Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Magic Item Six Pack - Special Pistols


How about some modern day magic items of the firearm variety. It's always fun when you throw these little bad boys into a game. If you're looking for more modern day magic items you can always pick up my small compilation of such things over on DrivethruRPG

1 – Fear Monger. It’s metal is damaged, pitted and rusty. The wood is stained black and chipped away. But whenever it’s held anyone seeing it is struck with fear of the person whose hand it is in.

2 – The Assassins Friend. Very ordinary looking pistol with a few notches carved into the handle. Every time this pistol takes a life the damage it inflicts is increased by at least one. The more important the person is the more damage it will do.

3 – Memory Soak. Very old and well worn handgun with multiple initials carved into the handle. When the PC is in a tense situation and holding this firearm they get sudden flashes of relevant memories from others who have owned the gun before. Possibly giving them insight on what to do next and maybe even a skill bonus for using it in the next few rounds.

4 – The Brothers. A pair of identical silver and brass decorated dueling pistols. When the PC possesses one they can feel where the other one is and are even somewhat drawn to it. But if they ever have both at the same time the owner dies from a sudden heart attack.

5 – Mistrusted Curse. A small compact pistol, easily concealable. Any person who has this firearm on their person finds that others doubt everything they say and are suspect of their actions. The longer they are around them the more they get animated about their suspicions.

6 – Forget Me. A flashy polished up pistol with gold leaf decorations on the handle. When you carry or wear this firearm out in the open people just don’t notice you. Security doesn’t stop you, walking through metal detectors doesn’t set them off, even video cameras only capture a blurry image of you.

Please give my Ko-Fi page a visit if you would. 

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