Wednesday, August 21, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Twenty One


Classic Campaign.

I'm going to go with a premade campaign, not one of my own invention. Mine usually fall apart part of the way through and things just don't work out. But this one had some really good moments in there. It's Land of the Free for Cyberpunk 2020. Now I have the actual boxed set, not the all in book form reprint. So all the big map is there, the props and hand outs, it's really a nicely done little kit. 

This takes you on a great ride across the United States of 2020 from New York, across the Appalachian territory, down to the gulf, up to Texas and then finally to Night City. So you get much more of a feel of what life is like all across the very changed landscape the the cyberpunk future. Now the Home of the Brave sourcebook is great to have with this if just for the amount of extra details you can get for the various regions. Really helpful when the party strays off course a little. 

Two thumbs up, highly recommened. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Twenty


Amazing Adventure.

The entire line of adventures from the original edition of Twilight 2000. They were absolutely great to play through. Had everything you needed and were fun. They are a bit 'railroad' style by today's standard. But back then they were simply amazing. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Nineteen


Sensation Session. 

For this one I'm going to actually link to another post on my blog. My current campaign with the Squad Who Can't Catch A Break and all their shenanigans. A few games into the Land of the Free boxed campaign set for Cyberpunk 2020 and things break loose pretty quick. This session was so much fun from beginning to end. It's also why the entire party of characters is wanted by the Appalachian government. Pretty much war crimes on the freeway of flames. One of those times where I shook my head and wondered why the hell did I ever give Brick a flame thrower. 

Yeah those were good time. Some of those character are still, surprisingly, still in play. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Eighteen


Memorable moment of play.

Many years ago, in a Twilight 2000 game. I'm playing my Captain who is a tanker and has the nickname 'Captain Cornbread'. Trekking our way across Europe and we get in a heavy fight. The tank I'm takes a pretty heavy hit and we do all the checking for armor, ablative armor, etc and it rocks my characters world pretty hard. However when the big hit was rolled on me another player at the table yelled out over coms "Oh hell we got fried cornbread now!". 

That derailed everything for a moment. But it really made that instance so much memorable. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Seventeen


An engaging RPG community. 

I've spent the last year slowly pushing back into gaming communities online. I fell out of them for a while, some due to burnout, partially because of assholes I got tired of dealing with and also because platforms closed up and people kept moving around. 

So far I've found a lot of luck over on Bluesky and the Mastodon server Both of which have some really good solid gaming folks on there. Also I started finally messing around on Discord, something I had been avoiding like the plague. It's hit and miss for me still but I can see the allure. 

Now I'm not going to mention my negative community encounters on here because I think this should be a more positive thing. Hope you all have some great online circles that you fit into well. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Sixteen


Quick to Learn.

Going with one that I haven't mentioned yet. The amazingly easy to learn, super fast and simple fantasy game from across the big pond. Advanced Fighting Fantasy from Arion Games. With it's roots growing from the old Fighting Fantasy books of old (Sorcery! and Warlock of Firetop Mountain were the GOATs) they have built upon that simple 2D6 mechanic and made it into a full fledged RPG. Easy to play, lots of optional stuff to add in. Just all around a really great game that needs more attention! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 - Day Fifteen


Great Character Gear.

Okay I'm going to start sounding like a broken record here. But, yes, it's Cyberpunk 2020 once again. I mean we have the Chromebooks, Blackhand's Street Weapons, Maximum Metal, Rache Bartmoss' Guide to the Net AND Brainware Blowout. It's just absolutely dripping with great gear for the PC's to blow their money on. Also that same gear can be used by the NPC's to blow the PC's away in just a few rounds. I'm a really bad gearporn guy in games though.

Runner up. Battlelords of the 23rd Century with their absolutely insane gear list followed up by the doubly insande Lock-N-Load sourcebook. Aliens blowing away other aliens was never so much fun. Especially when you spend hours gearing out your character and having them get blown clean through by a weapon your armor is weak against.