Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cyberpunk Sunday 002

One of the constants of the Cyberpunk genre is the pervasiveness of technology. The cutting edge, the man machine interface, the life changing. It's there and most of the time you are waist deep in it wading through as best you can.

First off lets see the cutting edge of exoskeleton technology. Eythor Bender of Berkeley Bionics gives a nice little talk about what his company is working on. But not only that he brings out two working units on stage for a demonstration. One is meant for military personel whose loads of equipment get heavier and heavier. Basically doing the brunt of the lifting work for the soldier. The other is meant for disabled folks who are wheelchair bound. Walking it out on stage is a woman who has been paralyzed for 19 years. Really interesting stuff to see.

Exoskeleton on show

To add to this link is another of a UC Berkeley student who is paraplegic using a set robotic exoskeleton legs to make a short walk to receive his diploma. No video on there but there is a slideshow. This is just another example of the use of the technology that we may, or should I say will be seeing more of in the future.

Short walk at graduation

After this it's on to something different, and much smaller. Flexible interactive paper that works like a cellphone. It's functions are used by bending, folding and flexing it in various spots. Currently it's called the PaperPhone and is currently in the prototype stage of development.

Near the bottom of the article they mention some on how it's made along with other similar products in the works. This makes me think of the disposable phones from Ultraviolet and the interactive map in Babylon AD.

Bending technology

Hmmm.... makes me want an interactive menu at a restaurant. Zooms in on pictures of what the meal will look like, ingredients list, modifications available.....

Enjoy this Cyberpunk Sunday, I'll have another up in two weeks.

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