Sunday, March 26, 2023

DnD Toaster


Yeah well Dungeons and Dragons has gone mainstream for sure now. We can get our own D20 toaster. Really it's exists, you can buy it here. I'll never be able to pick one up but it sure is neat. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Cyberpunk & Sci-Fi Audio Pack, Vol 1 for RPG

Well for those of you who like to use sound effects in your games here's a neat little product for you. A collection of various cyberpunk style PA announcements and ambient background sounds. The YouTube video gives you a sample of what you can get. You can pick up "Cyberpunk & Sci-Fi Audio Pack, Vol 1" over on DrivethruRPG for only $3.36 right now.

So give it a listen and maybe pick it up.