Classic Campaign.
I'm going to go with a premade campaign, not one of my own invention. Mine usually fall apart part of the way through and things just don't work out. But this one had some really good moments in there. It's Land of the Free for Cyberpunk 2020. Now I have the actual boxed set, not the all in book form reprint. So all the big map is there, the props and hand outs, it's really a nicely done little kit.
This takes you on a great ride across the United States of 2020 from New York, across the Appalachian territory, down to the gulf, up to Texas and then finally to Night City. So you get much more of a feel of what life is like all across the very changed landscape the the cyberpunk future. Now the Home of the Brave sourcebook is great to have with this if just for the amount of extra details you can get for the various regions. Really helpful when the party strays off course a little.
Two thumbs up, highly recommened.