Sunday, March 17, 2024

GURPS now On Demand


In case you haven't heard Steve Jackson Games is taking a new direction with the physical copies of GURPS fourth edition. They are now going to be available 'On Demand' via Amazon. I believe that basically means print to order. Not only that you will be to get each of the core books in four different formats based on softback or hardback and black/white or color. Check out the links below to see their listings on Amazon.

GURPS Basic Set: Characters

GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns 

This is very interesting to note since most companies are going POD via DrivethruRPG (SJG already has many GURPS products there in pdf and POD already) so going with Amazon I believe they are hoping for more broad market appeal. So maybe this will breathe some new life into the GURPS line, or maybe not. Time will tell

Sunday, March 3, 2024

What Happened to Bubblegum Crisis?

One of my favorite anime's back in the day. Always wondered why it never really got finished. Now we know.