Sunday, April 30, 2023

Cyberpunk Magic Items


Want to throw some magic items into your cyberpunk scifi games? Well here are six quick ones for you take a look at. 

"The Ghost Blade" - A sleek katana that appears to be made of translucent, shimmering metal. Its blade can cut through nearly any material, including advanced cybernetic implants and robotic limbs.

"The Cloaking Device" - A small device that can be attached to any piece of clothing or equipment. It renders the wearer invisible to most forms of electronic surveillance, including cameras, sensors, and drones.

"The Neural Implant Enhancer" - A device that can be implanted in a person's brain. It enhances the user's cognitive abilities, including memory, perception, and problem-solving skills. However, prolonged use can lead to severe mental strain and even madness.

"The Mimic's Hand" - A cybernetic hand that can transform into any tool or weapon that the user can imagine. It can even mimic the appearance and function of other cybernetic implants or prosthetics.

"The Gravity Boots" - A pair of sleek, high-tech boots that allow the user to manipulate gravity. They can jump incredibly high or land safely from any height, and can even walk on walls or ceilings.

"The Data Vortex" - A small, handheld device that can upload and download massive amounts of data wirelessly. It can also create a temporary "data storm" that disrupts nearby electronics and communications. However, using it too frequently can attract unwanted attention from corporations and governments who want to control information flow.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Jaded Gamer Diary - Scumbag alert


Alright folks here's a scumbag alert for a person that several TTRPG folks seem to be following over on Twitter. An account going by the name of "The Krackening Games" has come out full bigot and anti LGBT, even calling them terrorists. First off here are the receipts. 

As you can tell this guy is a full on shit stain. I always advise blocking assholes like this. Now as to why so many folks in the tabletop roleplaying games area follow him I don't know. He's mainly a CCG box opening guy from what I can tell. His YouTube is at if you are interested in check that out. I think his full on douchebag behavior started recently as there are LGBT folks and allies following him. Along with a bunch of anti LGBT MAGA shitheads. 

Now as an added interesting fact I tracked down his Facebook page as well ( Here he goes by a couple different names. But the scumbaggery is still there. Also he keeps posting that he has moved but Facebook itself still shows him living in Russia. Either way. Still worth the block. Oh and here are some Facebook receipts. 

So just getting the word out so people can block this person away in his own little echo chamber with the MAGA pricks who love their Russians. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

A Necromancers Circle


A magic circle used by a necromancer would likely be designed to contain and control the undead creatures they summon. Here are some elements that might be included in a necromancer's magic circle:

Symbols of death and decay: The circle may be inscribed with symbols of death, such as skulls, bones, and rotting flesh. These symbols are meant to evoke the power of these elements, and to strengthen the necromancer's control over the undead.

Protective runes: The circle may be inscribed with protective runes or sigils that help to keep the necromancer safe from the dangerous energies they are working with. These runes may be drawn in blood or other materials, and may have to be renewed periodically to maintain their efficacy.

Binding spells: The circle may include binding spells that help to keep the undead creatures under the necromancer's control. These spells may be inscribed around the edge of the circle, or woven into the patterns of the symbols and runes throughout.

An altar or focus: The center of the circle may include an altar or other focus, where the necromancer can channel their energy and focus their will. This may be a simple stone block or a more elaborate construct, depending on the power and resources of the necromancer.

Candles or other light sources: The circle may be illuminated by candles, torches, or other sources of light. This helps to create a sense of mystery and power, and may also help to ward off unwanted spirits or entities that might try to interfere with the necromancer's work.

Overall, a necromancer's magic circle would be designed to harness the power of death and the undead, and to control the dangerous energies involved in such dark and dangerous work.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Modern Day Horror RPG Plot 003

Modern Day Horror RPG Plot - 003

The game takes place in a small town that has been plagued by a series of mysterious disappearances. The local authorities are either incompetent or corrupt, and the townsfolk are growing increasingly afraid. The players take on the roles of a group of outsiders who have come to the town for various reasons - maybe they're investigators, journalists, or just passing through - but they soon find themselves drawn into the dark and terrifying secrets that lie at the heart of the town.

As the players investigate the disappearances, they begin to uncover a sinister conspiracy involving a powerful and ancient cult that has been operating in secret for centuries. The cult is dedicated to a malevolent deity that demands human sacrifices, and the town is just one of many that they have infiltrated over the years.

The players must race against time to unravel the cult's plans and put a stop to their nefarious activities before more innocent people are lost. Along the way, they will encounter all manner of horrors - from human cultists to supernatural entities - and they will need to use all of their skills and wits to survive.

Throughout the game, the players will face difficult choices and moral dilemmas as they struggle to balance their own survival with the greater good. Will they be able to overcome the cult and save the town, or will they fall victim to the horrors that lurk in the shadows?

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Cyberpunk horror plot - 002

Need another idea for a horror infused Cyberpunk plot? I got you covered like a jimmy hat. 

The players are members of a high-tech corporation that specializes in developing cybernetic implants for the wealthy elite. They are sent on a mission to retrieve a powerful new implant prototype that has been stolen by a rival corporation.

As they investigate the theft, the players discover that the implant prototype was created using forbidden technology that has ties to a shadowy cult. The cult's goal is to use the implant to summon a powerful demon from another dimension and unleash it upon the world.

As the players delve deeper into the cult's activities, they begin to experience strange and horrific phenomena that seem to be linked to the implant. They are haunted by nightmarish visions and hear whispers from beyond, and they begin to question their own sanity.

As they race to stop the cult and prevent the demon's summoning, the players must navigate a dangerous web of corporate espionage, supernatural forces, and personal demons. They must decide whether to destroy the implant and risk angering their own corporation, or use it to stop the cult and risk unleashing a greater horror upon the world.

In the end, the players must face the demon in a final showdown, using all their cybernetic enhancements and personal skills to defeat it and save humanity from a fate worse than death.

Combining the high-tech, futuristic setting of cyberpunk grit with the supernatural horror of demonic summoning, giving a tense and terrifying adventure. The players must use their wits, their combat skills, and their knowledge of technology to survive and triumph over the forces of darkness. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Six Odd Ball Magic Items

Need some random oddball magic items for your fantasy game? This little list of six may just have what you want to use.

The Ring of Chatter: This ring allows the wearer to understand and communicate with any animal they encounter. However, the wearer will find themselves constantly bombarded with the chatter and thoughts of all the creatures in the vicinity, making it difficult to focus.

The Wand of Withering: This wand can instantly age any organic matter it touches, turning plants to dust and causing animals and people to rapidly age and weaken. However, it can also be used to age food and drink to perfection, making it a popular item among gourmet chefs.

The Amulet of Animosity: This amulet causes anyone who looks at the wearer to feel a sudden and intense hatred towards them, regardless of their previous relationship. It is useful for creating distractions or drawing attention away from more vulnerable party members.

The Mask of Mimicry: This mask allows the wearer to perfectly mimic the appearance and voice of anyone they have seen or heard before. However, wearing the mask for too long can cause the wearer to forget their own identity and become lost in the personas they have taken on.

The Bag of Holding Hands: This bag is lined with dozens of small, disembodied hands that can grab and retrieve objects from its depths. However, the hands have a tendency to act on their own and may accidentally or intentionally grab objects the wearer doesn't want.

The Sword of Silence: This sword can be used to cut through any sound, instantly silencing anything it touches. It is useful for sneaking around undetected or stopping noisy foes, but it can also make it difficult to communicate with party members or listen for danger.

DnD Boxers


Well we can't play DnD without some official boxers now can we? Yes the mainstream merchandising continues for better or for worse. You can pick these up over on Amazon right now, but who knows they may eventually make it to a FLGS or two as well. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Modern Day Horror RPG Plot 002


Modern Day Horror RPG Plot - 002

A group of friends or acquaintances who gather for a weekend retreat at a remote cabin or a vacation home. As the group settles in, strange occurrences start happening around them, such as unexplained noises, bizarre markings appearing on the walls, and disappearing objects.

As the group investigates, they discover that the property has a dark history involving a mysterious and malevolent presence that has been terrorizing the surrounding area for decades. The group must unravel the secrets of the entity's past and find a way to put an end to its reign of terror before it destroys them all.

It should be a struggle to identify the entity's origins and motives. Additionally, the entity could have various forms or manifestations, allowing the players to experience different types of horror, from psychological terror to jump scares and gore.

As the game progresses, the players must balance their survival instincts with their desire to uncover the truth and put an end to the entity's terror. This could lead to tough moral choices and dramatic character development as the players are forced to confront their fears and face the consequences of their actions.

Overall, the plot should be immersive and engaging, drawing on classic horror tropes while incorporating modern twists and elements to keep the players on edge.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Cyberpunk horror plot - 001


Want to throw a little horror into your Cyberpunk? Here you go.

A powerful megacorporation called "Neurotech" has been conducting illegal experiments on human subjects in their quest to create the perfect cybernetic enhancements. The players are a team of underground hackers, street-level operatives, and other misfits who have come together to take down Neurotech and expose their crimes.

As the players delve deeper into Neurotech's secrets, they discover that the corporation has been using forbidden knowledge and dark magic to enhance their cybernetic implants. These enhancements not only give the subjects incredible powers but also cause them to experience horrifying hallucinations, intense pain, and eventual madness.

As the players race to stop Neurotech and free the subjects, they must confront not only the corporation's heavily armed security forces but also the twisted creations of the corporation's experiments. These beings, part machine and part monster, stalk the city's shadows, preying on the innocent and spreading terror.

The players must balance their mission to stop Neurotech with their own sanity as they confront the horrors of the corporation's experiments. They may need to ally with other factions in the city or make desperate deals with the dark forces that Neurotech has unleashed.

In the end, the players must decide whether to expose Neurotech's crimes to the world or destroy the corporation and the terrifying secrets it holds forever. But even if they succeed, they may find that the horrors they have faced have left their mark on them, both physically and mentally, and that they can never truly escape the darkness that they have witnessed.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Roll A D10 - 10 Nightmare Creature Traits


Need a random trait to make a nightmarish horrible creature a bit different? Roll a D10. 

1.  Unnatural size: The creature is larger or smaller than any living creature of its type should be.

2.  Abnormal features: The creature has physical features that are exaggerated or distorted, such as elongated limbs, oversized teeth or claws, or misshapen heads.

3.  Multiple eyes: The creature has more eyes than it should, or they are in unusual places on its body.

4.  Unusual coloring: The creature's skin, fur, or scales are a color that is not found in nature, such as bright red, glowing green, or pitch black.

5.  Undulating flesh: The creature's skin or flesh moves in a way that seems impossible, such as rippling like water or pulsating like a heartbeat.

6.  Insectoid features: The creature has characteristics of insects, such as multiple limbs, chitinous exoskeletons, or compound eyes.

7.  No eyes: The creature is blind or has no visible eyes, making it difficult to discern its direction or focus.

8.  Formless mass: The creature has no discernible shape or structure, appearing as a shifting, amorphous mass.

9..Putrid stench: The creature emits a noxious odor that makes those around it gag or feel ill.

10.  Multiple mouths: The creature has multiple mouths, often with razor-sharp teeth, that can open in unusual ways or seem to move independently of each other.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Modern Day Horror RPG Plot 001


Modern Day Horror RPG Plot - 001

The players are a group of friends who decide to take a weekend trip to an abandoned asylum that was known for its brutal treatment of patients. As they explore the decaying building, strange occurrences start happening - doors slam shut on their own, ghostly apparitions appear, and they begin to hear whispers and screams in the empty halls.

As they try to leave, they realize that the front door is locked and they are trapped inside. They must find a way to escape while evading the vengeful spirits of the former patients and the malevolent force that is controlling them.

The players may need to solve puzzles, gather clues, and work together to survive as they uncover the dark secrets of the asylum and the forces that are keeping them trapped. They may also have to confront their own fears and inner demons as they struggle to stay alive.

This plot can be adjusted to fit various settings, such as an abandoned prison, a haunted house, or a cursed town. The key is to create a tense and suspenseful atmosphere that keeps players on the edge of their seats while providing opportunities for character development and growth.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Small Cuneiform history lesson

 Something new I learned today. Cuneiform was made with the corner of a single cuboid tool.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Cyberpunk and Protocyberpunk novels of note

There are several early science fiction novels that have influenced the Cyberpunk genre, which emerged in the 1980s. Some of the most notable examples of both Cyberpunk and Protocyberpunk novels include:

"The Space Merchants" by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth (1952) - This novel is set in a future where corporations have taken over the world and advertising is the dominant form of communication.

"Stand on Zanzibar" by John Brunner (1968) - This novel is set in an overpopulated future where corporations have taken over the world, and it features a fragmented narrative style and a focus on social commentary.

"The Demolished Man" by Alfred Bester (1952) - This novel is set in a future where telepathy is a common ability, and it follows a businessman who commits murder and must evade capture using his psychic powers.

"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick (1968) - This novel, which was the basis for the film "Blade Runner," explores the theme of what it means to be human in a world where artificial beings have become indistinguishable from real humans.

"Neuromancer" by William Gibson (1984) - Widely regarded as a foundational work of Cyberpunk, this novel introduced the concept of cyberspace and popularized the idea of a virtual reality that could be accessed through computers.

"The Shockwave Rider" by John Brunner (1975) - This novel features a protagonist who is a skilled hacker and explores themes of government surveillance and control in a dystopian future.

"Altered Carbon" by Richard K. Morgan (2002) - This novel, set in a future where human consciousness can be transferred between bodies, explores themes of identity and the relationship between the mind and the body.

"Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson (1992) - This novel features a protagonist who is a hacker and swordsman in a world where virtual reality has become a dominant form of communication and commerce.

"The Stars My Destination" by Alfred Bester (1956) - This novel tells the story of a man who gains the ability to teleport and seeks revenge against the people who wronged him. It features many Cyberpunk elements, such as a dystopian society, genetic engineering, and advanced technology.