
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 new campaign session two


Actual play session number two recap with the squad that can't catch a break (first session is here). Using straight up Cyberpunk 2020 rules and running the game in the private game room Tuesday nights at Aesop's Treasury

While barreling down the road south of Night City the PC Basura sadly succumbs to his injuries in the back of the truck bed. The others discuss what they should do with his body as the player starts rolling dice on a new character. Eventually they decide to just cover him with a tarp for the time being.

After passing the border into SoCal the crew stops at a gas station in a very remote town that is mostly made up of abandoned buildings. While there the crew decides the best thing to do is loot the former squad mates pockets and then cover him back up. Cookie steals some food from the gas station and Brick buys some beer for the road. Then they continue down the road for many more uneventful hours.

Eventually after going off the main road, down a side road and then down a dirt road they meet their destination. A toxic waste disposal facility, it's then that they discover they've been hauling slightly radioactive toxic waste this entire time. Guess that explains the Geiger counters in the trucks. The "disposal" consists of parking the trailer next to hundreds of other trailers just wasting away out in the desert it is here they make a final decision for what to do with Basura.... and unceremoniously dump his body there among the trailers. Before getting back on the road they pick up a lost white boy who has no place out in the desert and take him with them.

Basically arrival by GM parachute is the new PC: Lefty - Netrunner

On the way back they discover the small town they passed through earlier is now merrily burning. While trying to get around a roadblock set up, apparently, by whoever sat the fires they come under fire from the rooftops. Brick and Bradley lay down covering fire as they attempt to flee but the driver of the semi is shot in the head and dies instantly. Lefty then manages to get in the truck and link up to it using Hotwire and drives it out of there. Eventually they make it back to Night City collect their payment and await their next mission.

Only a day or so later Bradley gets a tip on a plane that will be landing at an automated landing strip that is on the outskirts of Night City. Probably hauling illegal goods and the studio will pay for footage of the load being opened up before it takes off again.

Amazingly this crew scopes out the landing field, creates a distraction and sneaks in without notice or any sort of violence. Then they find where the pilotless Tesla aircraft is being refueled by an automated fuel truck and Lefty gets the loading bay door open so they can get inside. Going through the crates things seem to be going fine until the last one which is sealed and requires being hacked via cyberdeck to be opened. At which point the trap is sprung and the cargo area is flooded with gas and the loading hatch closes.

Waking up mid-flight the crew starts to figure out what happened. Mainly via a video disc left in the last crate with Bradley's name on it. Apparently an old enemy wants him out of the city and has set this up to get the job done. She advises that he doesn't try to return. The party really dislikes Bradley for getting them into this mess.

Eventually the plane sits down at another automated airfield and once outside they get their bearings. Welcome to New York, well at least just outside of the city. After a discussion with a security detail and local police (who they decided not to get in a shoot out with) they are released when the evidence in the plane back up their claims, not to mention the video disc as well. Making their way to a nicer than normal coffin motel the crew makes camp and starts hitting up their contacts on an attempt to find a way back across the country. Cookie grumbling that she doesn't want to fly anymore.

Next session will be October 3rd as some players can't make it next week. It is then that I start running them through the "Land of the Free" campaign which will eventually (more like hopefully with these guys) bring them back to the bright lights of Night City

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