
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 new campaign session one


First session recap for my new Cyberpunk 2020 campaign. Right now it doesn't have a name yet and the first couple of sessions will be just letting everyone get settled into the game. So let's start with the five PCs shall we?

Cookie - Nomad

Brick - Solo 

Sara - Nomad 

Basura - Techie 

Bradley Schultz - Media

On a tip from a news agency Bradley hears about a planned raid by a gang on a warehouse near the combat zone of Night City. He'll get paid for the footage, he'll get paid more if the footage contains a lot of action and carnage. So he agrees and grabs his friends to help insure that said carnage does occur.

The crew see's a group of vehicles and a stolen garbage truck run through the gate of the poorly guarded building and then they move in. Most of those raiding the place run inside while a couple stay outside with guns. It turns into a one sided ass whooping with the PC's coming out on top even taking out (as in killing) those who exit the warehouse after the shooting starts. Many of those exiting are carrying containers of food, some drop it and pull their cheap pistols out, other keep running trying to get away.

Brick discovers that with cyberarms enhanced with hydraulic rams while wearing battle gloves can do a great deal of damage to the chests and other body parts of unarmored opponents. Cookie, being to poor to own a gun, hops on people like a rabid spider monkey stabbing away with her knife. Both of them later become memes on social media when the footage is released (#FuckedAroundFoundOut and #SpiderMonkey). 

Only Basura is injured with a grazing head wound from a throw away pistol.

After the mayhem is done they leave before NCPD can show up and Bradley sends the footage in. They get paid rather well. Then within the hour it hits the television screens. But, it turns out, those breaking in weren't gang members after all. Instead they just fought, and killed, several people from a homeless camp who are trying to keep themselves from starving and only wanted the food.

Not a good reputation to have, especially for the Nomads. 

They lay low for a few days and look for another job. Brick gets a call from an low ranking corpo who has a job for him and his small crew, if they can drive. With the two nomads on board that isn't a problem. It's a simple escort mission, drive two pick up trucks in support of a semi running a trailer full of... well something not good, out to a site ten hours outside of Night City. The trucks have a large machine gun mounted in the back of each and a Geiger counter mounted on the dashboard. Nothing to shady right?

Well a few hours into the drive out there was an attempted road block that they ran through with quite a bit of ease. Then Cookie decided to go off roading onto a side road to try and get somebody who had been tailing them. The resulting bounce of the truck tossed her gunner, the already injured Basura, out of the back and onto the ground. 

After they figure out they lost him and that the person tailing them was going to get away they went back and picked him up. Then hauled ass to catch back up to the semi.

And that's where we had to end it. Pretty standard stuff, it'll get more into the actual meat of the campaign soon.

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