
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 new campaign session three


Actual play session number two recap with the squad that can't catch a break (first session is here). Using straight up Cyberpunk 2020 rules and running the game in the private game room Tuesday nights at Aesop's Treasury. Currently we are starting the first part of the Land of the Free boxed campaign.  

After getting stuck in New York by one of Bradley's least favorite people the crew is looking for either a ride back to Night City or for a job to help pay for tickets back to Night City. What they managed to find was both.

One of Bricks contacts back on the west coast hooked him up with one of his fellow fixers here on the east coast. Just so happened he had a job drop in his lap that he needed runners for. One that paid well AND got them back to Night City. A scientist needed his daughter extracted from a lab and then put on board an airship so she could be delivered into safe hands on the other side of the country. Could be very dangerous, could be deadly... did I mention it paid well.

So the team gets some money up front and picks up the necessary gear for the mission. Some extra power with some new firearms, a little bit of body armor and a flame thrower. Yeah, you read that right. Somebody in the squad that can't catch a break decided to pick up a flame thrower. That person would solo known as Brick. He thought it would be a great thing to have. All I saw behind the GM screen was a structure fire with a dead girl they were supposed to extract and a completely failed mission... but rolls to acquire were made and I let them have it. Brick got his flame thrower. 

Amazingly enough entry into the building went without a flaw. First guard they run into Brick just hits with the flame thrower and knocked him out. If he wanted a melee weapon that would have been much easier to get but oh well. Now going through the lab had a bit more excitement of the expected level that I've come to expect from this group.

That would be two, yes TWO, ones were rolled by Brick with the flame thrower. First when he tried to actually fire it off, instead of blowing up or something really Michael Bayesque I simply had it malfunction and the tip fell off rendering it useless. The second time he decided to use it as a melee weapon once again and it didn't work out at all. The hose pulled off the fuel cannister and dumped a full tank of napalm onto him and the floor. Brandon reminded everyone not to light up a cigarette. 

Later we had Lefty just mowing down guards one after another with his shotgun. Cookie rolling into a room only to get shot by a guard who had taken up a different position than she thought. Brick getting into hand to hand combat with a cyberdog that had already chewed on Bradley a little bit. Then Bradley shooting said cyberdog WHILE Brick was grappling with him.

But they did it. They got the girl out and managed to get her on the airship. However they have a four day slow flight across the country and are separated from their weapon which are in the cargo hold. I mean what could go wrong? Guess we'll find out next week.

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