
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Veterinarian Bill out of nowhere


Well our house panther Teddy has gotten sick. Had a urinary blockage but we got him to the vet before any real damage had been done. However they are keeping him over night to make sure he will be okay. It appears he is having trouble processing certain types of cat food (we recently switched him to a new brand because of allergy reasons) and will have to go on another different food that will likely cost even more.

Covering the veterinarian bill right now is more than what we have. They will accept payments but it's still an expense that we were nowhere near prepared for. So I'm asking if anyone has anything to spare, even if it's a dollar or two, it would be greatly appreciated. 

My paypal is or you can hit up my Ko-Fi page. Or if you are going to be purchasing anything off of DrivethruRPG soon you can click through this link and I'll get a small kickback from your order. 

Thanks ahead of time.  

UPDATE: They are keeping Teddy for another night just to make sure he is urinating properly. Really hope he is doing okay there at the vets office. Beau, our other cat, has now noticed that his buddy is absolutely not here. He's been a lot more vocal then usual and is asking for attention and affection a lot. 

We are hoping a bit on the side that we get a call before the office closes today saying we can pick him up but we know it's not likely. 

UPDATE UPDATE: It's Thursday and they're wanting to keep Teddy until he urinates again and said we should be able to pick him up by this afternoon. But I work this afternoon and really can't afford to take off and we don't have many options on people to my wife over to pick him up (we have one vehicle). So we're going to see how it goes. I really hope he doesn't have to stay another night but he may have to. 

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