
Friday, December 8, 2023

Closing out this year in gaming


Looking back at this year in my personal gaming life. It's been a pretty good one that really ramped up in the end.

Started off the year playing in a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign where I had a rockerboy who was the front man for the "Ass Martians". All the other band members were players as well. That campaign was so much fun. 

Also got to play in both Alien and Fallout games. Alien surprised me by now good the system was and how well the stress mechanic helped control the mood of the game. Fallout was a bit hard for me to get into because I have almost zero knowledge of the video games. But it turned out to be quite fun as well. Simple system, crazy things to fight, two thumbs up.

Then I stepped back for a few weeks and took a break. That's when I decided to pick up the GM reigns once again and started my own Cyberpunk 2020 game using the "Land of the Free" boxed campaign from R.Tal. Put together a new group for it and we've been having a blast.

But that got sort of put on the backburner as I made the list to run playtest material for a company I really love. So my group and I have all put in NDA's and have started on that. Looks like we'll be doing even more for them in January. 

Was also gifted the Battletech beginners box by a good friend. So I'm trying to find some time to work that into my schedule as well. Was a fan of the game way back when it first came out and the current version looks so much better than it did back then.

After working at a game shop for nearly two years now I've started stepping back into the community in an attempt to wrangle folks together. Like I used to do many years long ago. So time to 'dig where you stand' once again. Although I will have to look for somebody else to stand next to me since the person who did that back then passed away in 2022. Norm you are still missed old buddy.

What are my hopeful plans for next year? Well I'll do a 'gaming resolutions' post closer to New Years Eve for that. But I must say that I'm so much more positive this year than I have been in a long time. 

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