
Friday, January 21, 2022

Sla Industries - The Truth in my Games part 2


Over on DrivethruRPG you can pick up Sla Industries 1st edition, Hunter Sheets 1 and Hunter Sheets 2.

Time for a little more about Necranthropes (called Necs for rest of article) in my version of the World of Progress in Sla Industries. First off, and this should be remembered at all times, they are not the good guys. Not even close. They are a race of creatures that are absolutely dripping in evil. The only reason they may look in the least like they are something else is because they are putting on an act. Intruder has a plan for them and until that plan is ready they are to appear loyal to Mister Slayer. 

Flux isn't exactly what it's claimed to be. Yes it's an energy that exists all around us. But it's created by the suffering and agony of living beings. Mort happens to be a perfect location to produce a nearly endless amount.

They have also found an alternative source of flux to draw upon. One that is refined and pure, that they enjoy so much better because it sets their senses on fire. That is by pulling the souls out of those who have been corrupted and abused. Those who have lost all hope, all innocence and are nearly just burned out husks of what they could have potentially been. Now while this may fit many who live in the downtown areas of Mort their absolute favorite supplier is the Skin Trade. 

The Trade sells it's 'remnants' of their 'product' to the Necs either for a tidy little price or in exchange for equipment and information. This also means the Necs will protect those in the trade who in the higher echelons of the company offices. Just so their thirst for this new form of flux can keep making it's way to them. Also it's a self serving circle as the actions of Trade also cause more suffering to keep the furnace of misery that is Mort burning endlessly.

After being drained the emancipated bodies of the victims are disposed of by a massive reality fold to a location off world (more on this in a future article). 

One last thing to remember. Even Bitterness is afraid of the Necs and what they may become.

1 comment:

  1. Bloody Brilliant Peter, these posts have intrigued about SLA.
