
Monday, January 24, 2022

Sla Industries - The Truth about Dark Night


More of my personal take of the Sla Industries setting. Let's look at Dark Night this time around.

Pick up Sla Industries 1st edition over on DrivethruRPG. 

The terrorist group/soft company known as Dark Night isn't quite what most would believe. They definitely aren't what Sla Industries wants you to believe. Let's start off with one thing, there are two Dark Night groups existing at the same time. 

First is the fake Dark Night. This is ran by Sla Agents working undercover as subversive terrorist agents. From the outside they look like they want to cause as much destruction and death as possible. The upper echelon is Sla loyalists who recruit those from downtown who are desperate to survive. They let them think they are in an actual subversive group when they are not. Carrying out specific missions whose actual end goals are to actually cover something up via destruction and mayhem along with some straight up assassination missions against those that get in the way of the bigger picture or are digging to deep into things they should not. 

Basically they do the dirty work that Sla Industries would rather not have their fingers on. Along with smearing the actual Dark Night organization with their heavy handed and high collateral damage activities. 

The actual Dark Night is a full on subversive/soft company organization. Their entire goal is to undermine the Company and shift the power balance so that others may gain footholds and pry the power from one single person into the hands of many. While they also do assignations, thefts and cause some collateral damage they are much more laser focused. Going after very specific targets while doing as little harms to any innocents who may be in the area. They also spread literature and information throughout downtown in an effort to sway the masses to their way of thinking. 

Also they offer a high reward for anyone that can deliver members of the fake Dark Night to them alive. Especially if they turn out to be any of the Sla Agents running that group. 

Now within the actual Dark Night organization is another group that is only known the higher ranking members. It's called Daylight and it's made entirely of undercover Dark Night agents that have infiltrated the company, people within the company who have decided to switch sides and their handlers. It's all kept very compartmentalized so many of them don't now of the others in case somebody is discovered. Even the handlers know the two or three they are assigned to. This group leaks out information, equipment, anything they can in order to aid the movement to take down Sla Industries. Most Dark Night members are completely unaware of the existence of Daylight.   

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