
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Question of Faith: Salt Crows

Salt Crows

A demonic servant for Question of Faith.

These are one of the many servants of the Demonic forces that are at the beck and call of their masters. Fortunately they are usually only a handful in numbers at a time and used sparingly. Used for when they need to create an apparent blight to either weaken a town or to temporarily throw it's residents into a panic. Although they have also been employed as spies for those who can see through them.


Emaciated large birds gray in color and caked in salt. Their eyes are empty sockets with many of their feathers matted or gone completely. Their call a jagged crackle that can be heard over a great distance.

These creatures are summoned through a ritual by a demon of at least average human intelligence. It involves the sacrifice of five regular healthy birds in the process. This will grant the demon between one to four Salt Crows that will obey their commands and will serve them for two weeks before vanishing back to the other side.

Cursed Traits:

The Blight. These creatures will peck at the fruit of crops with their sharp beaks. Causing it to decay almost immediately. Within a couple of hours the entire plant will blacken and die. They will usually go from one crop to the next taking out entire rows within the span of an hour. Two or three Salt Crows can wipe out an entire field over night.

The Sight. The summoner can concentrate and see from the crows point of view. Directing them to fly to specific locations and hearing what they can is also part of this trait.


Talons and their beak are the only forms of attack they possess. Going after their targets eyes or other exposed areas. They are, however, a bit more frail than normal birds and are easier to take down with a single hit or two.


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