
Friday, February 26, 2021

The Face Melting Trap


The Face Melting Trap.

This is a nasty little trap with a bit of set up. A very attractive, and much sought after, young lady in a town has been taken by a vindictive sorcerer who she 'insulted' by turned his advances down. He then tells her family that she has been deposited in an abandoned keep a few miles out in the wilderness. Where she will sleep for eternity until the breath of a hero awakens her.

This he has done, she is at the keep, sealed in a room. Her body is kept in a magical stasis so she doesn't awaken, starve or age. Of course the keep is infested with the usual mess of nasty creatures so any adventurers will have to fight their way to her. 

Thing is he doesn't intend for her to be saved at all. Not only that he also hopes to take out one of those 'adventurer types' that she seemed to be attracted to at the same time. Her body and the bed she is on is wrapped in several different spells so any detection will be set off no matter what. Which shouldn't be a surprise. 

Of course, by what the sorcerer said, the breath of a hero implies a kiss. Here is where the full trap kicks in. When a character leans down near enough the stasis spell will end and the girl will wake up just in time for another spell to active. One that turns flesh to liquid with the faces of both her, and her would be rescuer, within it's radius of effect causing an extreme level of pain at the same time. As their face melt into each other and their screams fill the room they will both likely die of shock and trauma in very short order.

Not to mention the rest of the party having to watch them die in this horrible way. But also now shouldered with the responsibility of carrying their fallen mate and the girl out of the dungeon and informing her family what has happened. While presenting them with the slimy skull faced remains.

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