
Thursday, June 18, 2020

WaRP cyberpunk GMCs - Wilson

Need pharmaceuticals but can't afford the sky high prices set by the corporations? Then look up Wilson. Need to find some cut rate weapons for your raid on a police facility that specializes in vanishing people? Then look up Wilson. Need a place to lay low after you jacked a food transport truck and drove it downtown to feed the homeless? Then look up Wilson.

Jerome Wilson has been on the ground fighting against the control of the corporations and the corrupt police forces that serve them for over two decades. Starting off as just another member of the faceless masses living in poverty he has pushed back against authority early on. Finding his way in and out of jail, usually on trumped up false charges, for several years he finally found that niche that fit him well.

Wilson is an organizer and a master of connections among the various groups who work in the shadows. Barters, trading and making deals that move supplies, gather resources and fund various operations, he knows all the ends and outs of how to get it done. He has amassed small fortune in both actual cash on hand and in various goods. If he doesn't have it he knows who can get it and just what it will cost.

The most important thing to him is supporting the revolution from the ground up. Supplying those who fight and trying to take care of those who can't. If you want somebody on your side in the fight against the corporate stranglehold then Wilson is one of those people.

Cyberware: Neural Jack at the base of his skull, nanotech enhanced healing, fiber reinforced skin and geomapping software implants.


Net of Contacts: 4- If he doesn't know it or have it, he knows somebody who knows somebody. Within a few minutes he can locate almost anything that somebody could want. But it's not always cheap. (Typing away at a smartphone when meeting him "Just a moment let me finish this up")

Accumulated Wealth: 4- Spread across multiple bank accounts and hidden in several cyptocurrency ewallets Wilson has a lot of money stashed away. He is always willing to spend some of it to help those truly in need. (always has the latest phone, new glasses, new clothes and pays for everything without hesitation)

Street Tough: 3- Don't let what he is now fool you. Wilson learned to survive on the streets at a young age and how to fight. He continues to stay in shape and spars at a few local gyms after hours. (solid muscle and anyone who bumps into him will usually get knocked back)

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