
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

WaRP cyberpunk GMCs - Straight Edge

Straight Edge - Computer Hacker Prodigy

Known only as Straight Edge, or Edge to those who know her. Much about her origins are unknown and any delve into her background through standard means brings up nothing over two years old. It is widely believed that she erased all digital records of herself and then used other methods to wipe out the paper trail as well.

However what is known about her after is enough. She seemingly slid onto the net without much notice until the hack and burn of the GenTech Corporations data site. Where massive amounts of confidential information was suddenly released out into the wild at the same moment that the computer terminals within GenTech HQ rapidly began overclocking resulting in a firestorm the scorched most of the building.

She claim complete responsibility for this action and even released some of the code on how she did it. Calling herself Straight Edge because, in her own words: "I cut straight through the bull shit and cut out the heart."

Since then she has been connected to at least a half dozen other major mainframe hacks. Most of which ended with collateral damage outside of net as well. Along with releasing various programs and apps for other hackers to use. Some of them being the weapons various corporations had designed to deal with her, just stolen and retooled.

Only a handful of close knit friends know how to contact her and finding them is a chore in itself. Her fanbase among the civilian populace is growing at a rapid pace. Especially among the anarchist and free society movements. A few nomadic packs would probably burn down a few city blocks if she asked them to or if they thought they were providing her protections.

Cyberware: Neural jack located at the base of her skull with tertiary jacks down her spine. Complete optic replacement that have built in VR interface and enhanced night sight. Nanotech enhanced healing and adrenal/reflex boost (bonus die when running or fighting).


Hacking Prodigy: 5 - When it comes to the net and all the domains attached they are nothing but her playthings. Adapting, creating and destroying code is what her brain was apparently made to do. Cutting through everything with the greatest of ease. (constantly online or writing code)

I've Got A Plan: 4 - Always works out every detail of everything that she does. Including ways of escape and where to run if things go bad. This goes for the net as well as the real world. (always looking around at her surroundings)

Calling in Favors: 4 - Many folks owe her for the things she has done. A phone call or two and she can have transportation, protection, food, whatever she needs. (makes offhand references about people getting her things)

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