
Friday, May 10, 2019

Jaded Gamer Diary - Zak Smith still an asshole

Well apparently Zak Smith/Zak Sabbath is still not done being an asshole in the gaming community. This bag of shit just keeps on floating back up like the turd that he is instead of going down the drain. Here is the latest from the comments page on a Kickstarter for a game he is releasing.

Yeah you read that right. He's now asking for help in making a list for all the people who say anything bad about him with the oncoming release for his game. You know who does shit like that? Scumbag bullies who want to control others and silence them with fear. Good luck with that. We have all been putting up with your crap for years and basically everyone is sick and tired of you. Your shields have left you and told everyone what kind of person you are and your new shields just aren't stopping anybody.

But he keeps on talking.

Now he's trying to use his typical tactics and make everyone else look like the villain. To bad for his ass nobody is going to listen to him.  He's the kind of person that needs to be kept as far away as possible.

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