
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Jaded Gamer Diary - Mike Mearls crawling back out

Well Mike Mearls is starting to crawl out from underneath the rock he has been hiding under. For those that don't know he is the guy who hired Zak Smith/Zak Sabbath on as a consultant for DnD 5e. Despite many warning about Zak being an abusive and stalkerish pile of shit, he claimed to have investigated Zak and found nothing wrong. Then handed over the info on the abuse victims who tried to warn him to the abuser. Then when shit hit the fan he said Zak was nothing more than an early playtester, yadda yadda yadda and a bunch of other bullshit. He then quickly vanished from social media.

Now he's slowly creeping his slimy little toes back out to test the water. Did a podcast interview and has been quietly popping back up here and there.

I pretty much lump him into a big group of abuse enablers that helped Zak make other miserable for years on end. Companies like Magpie Games, LotFP and people like Satine Phoenix and Mike Mearls, all birds of a feather who well sell out others for a moment of popularity or to make a fast buck. They don't care what happens to anybody but themselves.

So when I see him crawling out I'm not staying silent. Whatever social media I run across him at I'll be sure to ask him about his past actions. Others should be doing the same.

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