
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 new campaign session six


Actual play session number six recap with "the squad that can't catch a break" (first session is here). Using straight up Cyberpunk 2020 rules and running the game in the private game room Tuesday nights at Aesop's Treasury. Currently we are starting the first part of the Land of the Free boxed campaign. Now I must say this campaign is a lot better than I thought it would be and it's pretty fast paced. I highly recommend it. Now... where were we...

The players decide to contact the fixer from New Orleans who has been trying to get in contact with them. Having the Lefty make the call untraceable they dial him up. Turns out it's an old friend of their previous fixer who set the entire job up. Things are looking bad, Eliot is probably deceased at this point and his friend has picked up his contract since he owed him his life from a few years back. But the characters need to make it down river to New Orleans where he can set them up with a proper way back to Night City. Cookie and Sara head down to the docks to see if they can find some trustworthy folks to sail them down.

While they are away Lefty decides to do a deep dive in Adrianna's tricked out cyber/clone brain to find out what else Norcross has stuffed in there. After some painful searching around they find out some very bad news. Norcross is a front, the lab is actually owned by Biotechnica. The reason her dad had her extracted was the upper executives had decided to vivisector her body and do a deep study on her various parts before starting up the next generation of clones. So they are running her from one of the most nastiest corporations in 2020. 

Brick and Bradley finally manage to get to a doc in the box to get their injuries looked at. Brick had some broken ribs and internal injuries from the airship dropping on top of him, a good tape job and some fun drugs and he was feeling better. Bradley got that cyberdog bite from back in session three looked on. In that wound was discovered a dog tooth, more specifically a tracking device shaped like a dog tooth. Well that's one way they were being followed so well.

Sara and Cookie get back. They got a boat ride... with one hitch. In order to bring the costs down they agreed to do a little "job" on the way down the river. One that involved blowing up a chemical plant down near Mississippi. Bradley just shakes his head and says "Oh so just some drive by terrorism, great", Cookie was quick to correct him it isn't terrorism, it's ecoterrorism so therefore a good thing. So everyone climbs aboard for a three day trip down the mighty muddy. 

First day, while dealing with a rough storm and some flooding the squad thinks things are going to be fine. Well besides hitting some rocks, taking some damage, Bradley accidently turning off the boats power and then a group of pirates deciding to take advantage of the situation and try running up on the boat. While some bullets are exchanged as Sara lays down some cover fire Brick decides to pull out the oh so wonderfully safe weapon to use on a boat... the fucking flame thrower. I sit back and wait for their only form of transportation to become a floating bonfire of the dead. But then the unthinkable happens.

Brick pulls that trigger and lights the other boat up without a single problem in the world. Turning the pirate boat into a barbecue on the waves. 

They breath a sigh of relief and get some rest after the storm passes. Until the next night when it's time to do some black op shit in order to pay for their passage. They meet up with another ships crew who have are part of some sort of resistance group of ecoterrorist types. The mission is simple, the heavies will do a false attack on the main entrance to the plant as a distraction, meanwhile Lefty will open a set of flood gates on the drainage ditches so the others can go inside and plant explosives on the chemical tanks. 

Brick is happy to be with his kind, solo's with big guns and even a rocket launcher. They're happy to have him and his flame thrower aboard. Sara is with the assault team wondering what kind of insanity she has dropped into. Cookie, who actually knows how to set explosives, is going in with the infiltration group, Bradley is allowed to film while going in with her as long as everyone is masked up and he doesn't reveal anyone's identities. 

The frontal assault goes off so well that they very well could have just walked in through there and set the explosives. People are on fire, a jeep is on fire, the gates are blown open, lots of lead is being thrown down into the guards who are taken completely by surprise. The infiltration goes without a hitch and everyone pulls back as they watch the chemical tanks reach to the heavens in a wonderful series of fireballs. 

The squad that can't catch a break... caught a break.

Of course Bradley immediately sells the footage just as soon as he gets back on the boat. But a few others point out that he seemed to get a lot of shots of Cookies ass in his footage. Maybe the fancy ass reporter has a thing for dirty, uncouth, kleptomaniac nomad girls. 

Only a few more bumps along the road, like hitting a mud bar, and the squad can finally see New Orleans in the distance as they can't wait to get the hell off that boat.  

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