
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Rules for asshole gamemaster number four


It's been a long time since I've done an asshole gamemaster rule post. Like ten years and two months of a long time. I still laugh at how I pissed one guy off so much he did a post on his blog about how wrong I was for what I said. That was fucking great. 

So anyways...

You have this player, or two, whatever, and they always give you their characters quick backstory. It's all fine but then you get the words that make you roll your eyes. "He's a lone wolf" or "Doesn't get along with others" maybe even "Trusts nobody at all". You know the excuses the player wants so they can be a jerk, not get along with a party and make everyone jump through hoops just to keep the party together. 

Here's what you do. You ask them if you can see their character sheet. When they hand it to you put it in a folder and tell them that it will make a great NPC and hand them a blank character sheet and tell them to get busy. Then you go about running the game with the players who made characters who actually work well together while they crank out a new PC. If they do the same thing, then just repeat until they either get it, stomp away mad or just sit there and pout. 

We play games where the players are supposed to be working together as a group. Making characters counter to that is just being a jerk and they want to play a jerk PC to piss others off. 

Other options for their 'lone wolf' characters when they hand you the sheet include: wadding it up and throwing it into the trash, slicing it up with scissors, ripping it to pieces while saying "dumb" over and over again. The possibilities are endless here. 

Also, if you think this is some kind of 'sage advice' for every group out there then you really are clueless. 

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