
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 new campaign session five


Actual play session number five recap with "the squad that can't catch a break" (first session is here). Using straight up Cyberpunk 2020 rules and running the game in the private game room Tuesday nights at Aesop's Treasury. Currently we are starting the first part of the Land of the Free boxed campaign. Now I must say this campaign is a lot better than I thought it would be and it's pretty fast paced. I highly recommend it. Now... where were we...

The players quickly hook up with Perry Garcia and head back to his place (which should probably be condemned) to rethink their next step. Based on what they know heading out of Nashville ASAP is the best idea so they agree to pay Perry for a ride to Memphis via the underground highway. It's expensive but it's the safest and quickest route and the PC's are willing to pay. So they do some quick shopping for supplies and head across the city to the highways entrance. But Perry gets spotted the Citizens for Decency who decide to give chase as they hate the rockerboy. These CfD folks aren't to bright though and are quickly spotted behind them.

Now, fellow GMs and players, what do you think is the best way for the PC's to handle this situation? Maybe lose them in traffic, cut down some back alley's here and there, or even pull into a parking lot and have a face to face? Those are all good. Did the squad that can't catch a break do any of that? Oh no... not by a long shot.

They let the CfD get up behind them then Sara and Cookie pop the back doors open and Brick sprays down the front of their vehicle with his flamethrower. (Why the hell did I let him have a flamethrower?) Not a great shot but it caught them on fire a bit and the drive makes a successful roll and doesn't wreck, just slows down and stops letting the PC's get away. Until the second vehicle they didn't spot brushes up against them and open fire on Perry's van taking out the back glass.

By the way they are on a city highway that is pretty busy with traffic.

Gunfire is exchanged and the PC's get the great idea of "Let's pop them with the flamethrower again". Yeah. So they maneuver a bit get the bad guys behind them. This time Cookie is also opening fire with her assault rifle on their windshield and it goes like this... by initiative rolls.

Brick rolls really damn good and gets a good solid spray on the front of their vehicle. 

The driver of said vehicle makes a really damn good roll and holds it together without freaking out.

Cookie opens fire and makes a really damn good roll shattering the windshield (allowing all that wonderful flamer thrower goodness inside) and hitting the driver. 

No more rolls needed as the now on fire bad guys go veering wildly off to the left straight into other motorists on the road causing a massive pile-up with a few resulting explosions afterwards.

Meanwhile, Bradley has been recording all of this from the inside of the van and decides this is some top notch footage he can make a bunch of money off of if he sells quick. He calls up some networks, makes a quick negotiation and then has Lefty send them the footage... unedited. The van pulls over, puts some cardboard over the broken windows and then gets onto the underground road to Memphis for a several hours long drive. 

The footage hits the airwaves, along with footage from many other viewpoints (I warned them many times this was a media heavy city with cameras everywhere). We get clear shots of the PC's and their actions and the resulting massive accident that claimed not only the lives of the CfD folks but the lives of four others as well and many injuries. Yeah rub that into your reputation.

Eventually hitting Memphis and holding up at a Best Western they watch as Perry gets the hell out of there after stealing new plates for his van. After failing to make contact with the fixer who hired them in the first place the players think about their next move forward and start with renting a SUV using a fake ID and then heading out of the city. But not before stopping off at the Church of Elvis to do some tourist stuff. Which quickly turns into a altercation with the Elvis clad security who want to take them to see 'The King'. Strangely enough the players decided they didn't want to fight this one out.

To make things quick the King informs the PC's that he wants them out of his city with a quickness. That somebody is offering massive amounts of money for Adrianna, which he suspects a double cross would happen if he tried to collect. But he doesn't want anything big going down where he lives. Handing over some info he's gathered about her along with some information that another Fixer in New Orleans has a reward out for anyone who can establish contact with the group. The players are then led out of the Kings castle. So the squad, finally, caught a break. 

After looking at the new info and discovering that the Doctor who hired him to extract his daughter has lied. His daughter died a few years ago leaving him with no other family. They look at Adrianna for answers and she finally reveals that she is actually a fully self aware clone of his daughter. She is still a rather brilliant scientist complete with implanted memories that she knows are fake, but accepts them anyways. But she doesn't know why he had her extracted from the lab just that he told her had to be done and there was no other choice.

Also leaving the players wondering just how powerful is Norcross Laboratories is since they have so much money to throw around. 

There will be a break with no game next week due to unexpected temporary schedule changes. But should start back up shortly after that.

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