
Monday, June 19, 2023

Cyberpunk 2020 - New Netrunning Rules 0.1


This is a very, VERY, rough draft for some simplified Netrunning rules that I'm working on for Cyberpunk 2020. Getting rid of the "game within a game" style with the Datafort maps and so on. Hopefully taking it down to just a few rolls along with some game play involving getting info in the real world to help with those rolls. Anyways, here is that super rough draft that will be updated over time.

Simplified Cyberpunk 2020 Netrunner rules.

Roles necessary to the Netrunner.

Navigation – How to find your way to someplace

Intrusion – How to get into someplace

Data Access – How to find the info you want

Operation – How to operate machines via the net

Combat – How to fight another runner if necessary

Rolls are done by rolling a D10 and adding in your Interface skill and beating a target number or opposed roll if there is another runner your going up against (or a sufficiently advanced AI). Now there are programs and gear that can drop the target number or give some other affect. Some may completely negate the need for a roll altogether.


This is probably the easiest roll to negate. All you need is the path to the target destination on hand. Either from a map app or maybe purchased from another runner. Most Map Apps will give you quick ways to public locations on the net. Now those locations hidden on the net that are private may require a bit more work to get. There are some modified Map Apps passed around by runners that have some. But there is also a market for folks to locate and sell the pathway to the location for whoever wants to offer the most money.

If you have a map to the location there is no need for a roll. But if you’re out looking around in an area where a Datafort is supposed to be it will take a roll, probably a difficult one, to find it.

Another way is get a location is breaking into the location via hardlink at the server site or via a line that runs direct. But that usually involves some breaking and entering of the physical kind.


Now the easiest way to lower the target number for your Intrusion roll is of course by running some software that breaks through the code gates, walls and ICE. Software you buy today may also be useless a few months later when corporations upgrade their own software to counter it.

Another way is to have the proper passcodes and identification to get through. With those you could even negate the roll completely. However getting that information is really tricky. Again physical breaking and entering may work if they have that data handy. Or even some good old fashioned kidnapping of a runner or executive and ‘coercing’ them to tell you what you need to know.

Failed Intrusion rolls can result in damage to your software, hardware or in the most extreme cases there can be damage done to the runners brain.


Once in finding exactly what you are looking for may take a miracle. The needle of data in the haystack of files and drives. Again Apps can help with the search and lower the target number. Or having the actual information on where it’s at can negate the need for a roll. For example, if you know the data is on on the laptop in the executive corner office under the folder called “Family Pics” then you got a clear shot to get what you need.


This is hooking into equipment and systems that are ran from the datafort. Anything from robots on an assembly line to security cameras monitoring the sublevels of a corporate safe house. Depending on how secure they are sometimes an App is all you need to get access without a roll. Others will require either much better Apps and a roll or passwords for operation.


Fighting it out with another runner or an AI who is advanced enough to think and act like one. This is where things can get tricky. There is no straight target number to beat, instead you have to roll better than the opponent. Various Apps can give you special tricks up your sleeve but slugging it out is not a preferred by most runners who are deep in someplace they aren’t supposed to be.

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