
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Jaded Gamer Diary - Trashy Industry "professionals"


It's been a while. 

Over the last two days over on Twitter I've blocked and muted a whole bunch of 'industry' folks from the TTRPG scene. Because of how they decided to treat and talk to others who had a different opinion. Instead of rational discourse they chose name calling, accusations and in some cases outright slander towards others. Most of those they treated this way are the 'hobbyists' of the community. All over the current discourse over AI Artwork. 

One hobbyist put out a new steampunk book for free. Not even on Drivethru but just through their own website. On the cover they used a piece of AI generated artwork they they purchased in a stock art pack on the cheap. Some folks decided this was unacceptable and got rather mouthy over it because it "cost an artist much needed cash flow". They then made a twitter post about how their cover harmed no artists bottom line because the choice was that or no cover as they didn't find anything they liked among available stock art and that she couldn't afford to pay for a full on commissioned piece. 

Then suddenly it turned into how unethical it was to use AI artwork in the first place. Yeah they changed goalposts when it became apparent their one bitching point wasn't going to stick. Then it continued with the dogpile and some pretty shitty stuff was being thrown at those who chose to use it.

Sorry but AI Artwork is a genie that isn't going back into the bottle. If you don't like then don't buy products that use it. Or don't even use free products that use it as this case was. But when you decide to go into ultimate shithead mode and act like Jon Tarnowski or Zak S towards others then guess what you are a scumbag mother fucker. 

So I'm going to stick with the hobbyists folks who don't have a cash flow, don't have the recognition or knowledge how to crowd fund, don't possess the skill of a team in their lone self. They are using what tools they can find to make something that looks half decent and fun for them. 

Leave the little folks who are just getting buy and just having fun alone. If they are somehow threatening your bottom line with what they do, then guess what? Maybe your product quality is just lower than it should be if you are expecting industry prices for it. 

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