
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sla Industries - The Truth in my games.


Decided to start doing some blog posts about the changes I do to the Sla Industries 1st edition setting in my games. Some of these may come as a surprise to my players but I'm not sure how many actually chose to read my blog. 

The Truth about the Ebon race. 

The Ebons are NOT the race that Intruder saved. That is a lie he told Slayer to throw him off of his long term plans. However the Ebons are essential, they are needed for the gestation and growth of the actual race that was saved, the Necanthropes. 

A Necanthrope starts off birthed and grown deep in the bowels of the Dark Lament facilities. It takes years of careful tending to bring them from a larval form to the next stage of their development. That as a deathsuit. It is then that they are attached to their host, a young and healthy Ebon. It is then that they start to develop their abilities to pull in flux and manipulate that wild energy. As the Ebon learns more and grows stronger so does the deathsuit until it reaches the time for the final stage. 

At the Necanthrope Church the Ebon host is offered the choice of steel or lead and is sacrificed to the white. While the false belief is that the Ebon transforms into a Necanthrope the truth is the Ebon dies and their body is fully taken over by the deathsuit and it transforms into the final form. They possess all of the memories and mannerisms the host had but will change over the course of a few years into their own personality. 

The Necanthrope is also completely loyal to Intruder and Preceptor Teeth. With their loyalty to Slayer is a ruse to keep them a secret until they are needed. 

Brain Wasters were an attempt by Bitterness to infect the Ebon line with a tainted poison meant to stop the Necanthrope from bonding. However it did not work and they were just as capable of being a host as before. But there is debate about their any effects that may have carried over after the sacrifice. 

You can find Sla Industries 1st edition on DrivethruRPG.

More to come soon. 


  1. Interesting. I am curious about why you made the changes. I sometimes change things simply because I don't like the vibe, or because I have a personal preference.

    1. I wanted the Necanthropes to be more than just an 'evolved' version of the Ebon race. Also some of the plans I have for what the Thropes are involved in and are doing is something I don't want the players to even have a chance of being involved with as it should be something they oppose outright. But that's only once the actual truth gets out.
