
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Dark West session four recap


Third session down. Still using the WaRP OGL rules from Atlas Games as the engine powering the game. I've come to realize that I never introduced the characters on here. Figure I need to do that. 

Pim. Retired outlaw trying to give up the gun and do right. Doesn't even carry a weapon. 

Jebidiah. Young wanna be gunslinger with a big mouth.

Jasper. Bartender extraordinaire. 

Diego. A vaquero who seems to drink a bit to much. 

Taking place a week or so after the last session so characters could lick their wounds and heal up a bit. Everything has been quiet for our band of four. Pim stayed out at the Morgan Ranch and healed up, Jasper laid low at the bar simply doing his job staying out of trouble while Diego and Jebidiah finished up the little house out on the pile of rocks they have started calling 'Rattlesnake Ranch'. 

But things weren't quiet for long. Pim got a visit from a member of an old rival outlaw gang he used to fight with. One who wore a scar across his face that Pim had placed there. Told him that when he heals up they have a score to settle. Leaving Pim on his toes for the rest of the game tonight. 

Jeb and Diego got a side job as riflemen escorting the wagon hauling the gold from the mines into the town. While nothing happened they did discover that the company that laid the road to the mines ran it straight through a graveyard, knocking the markers aside and had even burned the church that used to be there some years before. They really did not like this and after working one day were considering never going back and finding other work. 

Later they found the old man Jeb has harassed before was one of the folks who used to attend that church, the Silent Hills church and cemetery. But the company violently took the land and left some of the townsfolk dead as a result. Then in a rant about the owners of people behind that will suffer the wrath of God the old man slammed his cane against the ground and thunder sounded in the distance. 

Then in a search for more answers about the supernatural elements taking place in the town the four make their way into the section of the city occupied mainly by Chinese workers and their families. After asking around and buying a few trinkets they really don't find out much of anything. Then Diego hears there is a tent on the outskirts of the city that sells fireworks. Something he really wants to see and mess around with. 

Arriving at the big red and blue tent among the tent city with a table out front where a merchant is selling his wares. Mostly fireworks but some other explosives and gunpowder related items as well. Diego buys a small bundle and is ready to leave when they are approached by a group of local thugs in blue outfits demanding they pay them in order leave that section of town unharmed. 

That goes over about as well as you can imagine. Guns are pulled Jasper takes off running the hell out of there.

In the resulting gunfight Diego flips a table over, takes part of his bundle and lights it with a lantern.... then tosses it into the red and blue tent. The one filled with all the fireworks and explosives. The GM says "um.. oh shit... okay". Then he takes off running, Jeb and Pim seeing their tough as nails friend running figure something is up and they chase after while still trying to keep themselves alive. 

First the fireworks start going up, the tent is in full blaze within seconds with fireballs shooting out in all directions... in a tent city. People are panicking and running about trying to fight the flames. The characters get behind a wagon for a but then decide they need to be further away and they start running away again. Then the explosive go up, everyone is thrown to the ground, completely deafened by the blast as pieces of wagons, tents and people fly through the air. They manage to get to their feet and make their way back to the other side of the town while in a state of near shock. 

The next morning they find out the death total is at least thirty people dead. Mama's had been used as a triage center to help treat the wounded. Maybe over a hundred injured. Glass shattered and broken through a large portion of the town. Chunks of rubble and debris had rained down over the entire town. The area around the crater was still smoldering and burning. They were even checking the rails at the nearby railroad to make sure they weren't shifted by the sheer force. 

Nobody is sure of what happened at this point. They know there was a gun fight just before the explosion. But it's believed most of those involved may have been killed in the blast. Those who may have seen exactly what happened may have also been killed as well. A town in a state of complete shock is trying to come to it's senses on the disaster that occurred. 

So in one action may western game started to resemble a Knights of the Dinner table comic. 


  1. "Wannabe" Gunslinger? If you would let me print and use my own dice, he would hit more often! LOL

    1. No you cannot print the dice that only have 5's and 6's on them.
