
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Dark West session three recap


Third session down. Still using the WaRP OGL rules from Atlas Games as the engine powering the game. I've come to realize that I never introduced the characters on here. Figure I need to do that. 

Pim. Retired outlaw trying to give up the gun and do right. Doesn't even carry a weapon. 

Jebidiah. Young wanna be gunslinger with a big mouth.

Jasper. Bartender extraordinaire. 

Diego. A vaquero who seems to drink a bit to much. 

Jasper was finally able to crawl out of bed after being sick for several days (the player was unable to make the last session) and was finally able to start working the bar at The Saloon. Pim continued to work at the Morrigan Ranch and collect information on any odd occurrences. While Jebidiah and Diego worked on their little homestead built on a pile of rocks between the ranchers. 

Besides a few odd sightings nothing really bad happened during the day. Come dusk they all settled back in town to relax a bit. Although Diego got everybody curious when he finally spoke up about noticing the complete lack of seeing any children in the town or even a schoolhouse anywhere. The others thought this a bit odd and when they began asking around most said they really never noticed. Others pointed out that this town isn't a good place for kids and maybe the families just moved out. After all there is always a constant stream of people arriving and then hopping on the train to leave shortly there after. 

As the PC's got their drink on the night went to very dark quickly. Then as they stumbled their way back to Mama's to get some shut eye. But instead a group of shady individuals decided to give Jebidiah a bit of a warning. Telling him to leave town tonight. Of course ole Jeb didn't kindly to that and told them he would sleep on it. They laughed and said he's going to have trouble with that. 

While Diego and Pim stayed outside to keep watch Jeb and Jasper locked the room up. Then the lights in all the other buildings started to go out, shutters were slammed shut and the temperature dropped down enough that they could see their breath. In short order they could see shambling ragged figured walking towards Mama's. The dead who were crucified outside of town had pulled themselves down and were now heading straight towards Jeb. 

As they engaged the ghouls that were trying to make their way into the building. Things got pretty hairy from then on out. Especially whenever Jeb popped his head outside gunmen on top of nearby buildings were taking shots at him. But they quickly discovered that a shot to the head stops the walking dead, they also found out that under stress Jeb isn't that good of a shot as he accidently grazed the side of Diego who was locked in hand to hand with a dead guy. Once Pim discovered that there were gunmen on the nearby feed store he started pouring some lantern fuel all over the base of it but was shot in the back for his trouble. He did manage to strike a match and get the fire lit. 

As Jasper, Jeb and Diego finished fighting off the rotting attackers inside of Mama's the Fortune Teller and her workman picked up Pim and pulled him into their wagon. Moving him out of the line of fire and patched him up. Diego runs outside to look for anymore attackers and tosses a couple of sticks of dynamite into the burning feed store. 

Suddenly the temperature rises back up, lights begin coming on inside of buildings and people start scrambling outside. Many screaming fire as they attempted to save the collapsing inferno with a bucket brigade. In all the confusion the bodies of the walkers vanished but their grisly remains that were splattered about remained. The sheriff expressed some interest in talking with Diego and Jeb since they were shot, assuming that whoever the culprits who sat the feed store on fire probably shot them. They simply replied it was dark and they never clearly saw who attacked them. 

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