
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Six Pack: Six Magical Bells


It's been over a month since I've posted anything on my blog so I figure why not do another Six Pack of magic items. This time I've wrote up six different magical bells that mostly fit into fantasy games, although some may work in other genres as well. Hope you enjoy. 

  1. The Terror Bell. This is a large four foot tall wide based bell covered in ruins. Made by a death cult over a hundred years ago it is now hauled around on a wagon by those who possess it now. Striking the bell creates a thunderous sound that causes pain so intense that they can't do anything but drop their weapons and cover their ears. Unless they have drawn the ruins from the bell onto their chest in their own blood.

  2. Mind Splinter. This is a small silver bell held on a six foot long rod. The knocker is hooked by a small chain hanging from the inside of the bell. Whenever it is struck any magic user within hearing range gets a sudden headache and they forget all the spells they have memorized at the moment.

  3. Bandaging Bell. An old metal bell about a foot tall with a worn dark wooden frame holding it up. When struck anyone within hearing distance who is severely wounded will suddenly stop feeling pain and fall into a sleep that lasts for eight hours. Their wounds will clot and stop bleeding and they will begin healing at an alarmingly fast rate.

  4. Cleansing Chime. A silver hand held bell that has a red tint going through it and a wooden handle that has gone black. This bell is used on a person who has been possessed by a demon. The user walks around the individual (usually a good idea if they are tied down) and rings the bell as twice as they go in that circle. It creates intense pain both for the demon possessing the person and the victim. The stronger the demon the longer it takes before they leave. Afterwards it may take the victim weeks to recover, sometimes it can even result in death.

  5. The Pipers Call. This appears to be a standard sized church bell designed to go into a steeple. The only difference is the engraving of rats running around its base. When it is rung, and it rings loud and far, any vermin such as rodents are driven from the area. They will not return for at least twenty four hours afterwards.

  6. Torturers Tool. A rather small bell that is very ornate in craftsmanship. The entire thing looks like it is made from overlaid runes and occult symbols. When it is held over a restrained persons body and rang gently it causes that persons old wounds to reopen and start to bleed again. This process can take up to an hour before it is done. If it is rang a second time over that persons head it stops the process but the wounds stay and must heal up normally.

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