
Saturday, November 21, 2020

Members of the Guard basic setting overview


Members of the Guard

Setting overview

The setting is that of a fantasy world where humans are the only dominant race. There are no elves, dwarfs or anything like that. Most of the land that the PC's will be in is part of a sprawling kingdom under religious rule. Their main mission will be to travel among townships and cities fighting back against the very real demons that exist and their influence among the populace. These traveling protectors are known as the Guard to most common folk and as Chevaliers by the more educated.

At the base level the Guard are made up of three general types of members. The Cavaliers, who are those skilled mainly in fighting. They make up the bulk of the members. Then there the Clerics, who are gifted in the ability to perform minor graces of God. They are also skilled in fighting as well but not as much as the Cavaliers. Then there are the Priests, the ones who are the most knowledgeable of the faith and can perform powerful graces. Most characters will be either Cavaliers or Clerics as most Priests are NPC's that may be in charge of multiple groups of the Guard. Basically they are the ones giving the orders such as “Go to this town and find out why their crops are being blighted”.

More on the basic world. The entire kingdom is ruled by the church, there is no other secondary form of municipality. Everything major decision is made by them and carried out by their devoted followers. The next closest thing is the various guilds sat up among the merchant and artisan classes of the society. While they have no actual say in governance they can attempt to sway their local leaders or attempt to set the markets how they want. Land ownership is a very gray area, all the farmland is owned by the church and the workers are given a very basic rate of payment for their work. While individual homes and businesses are considered to be owned by specific people. However at anytime a high ranking church member can order the property to be seized with very little the occupants can do about it.

I'll flesh out the details more as I go along in future posts.

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