
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Jaded Gamer - JK Rowling and Harry Potter


Going to talk about something other than gaming right now. But it's something that many gamers are talking about. 

Well you would have to be living under a rock if you haven't heard of the controversy surrounding Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Her blatant support of transphobic individuals online coupled with her own antitrans views she has spouted online and in other places. May are understandably writing her off and will no longer support anything with her name attached to it. I completely support a persons decision to do this.

What I want to talk about is people who are saying they are going to be destroying their copies of the Harry Potter books. What I ask of you is to not do this and instead do something that will affect her ability to profit off the material in the future. Donate them to thrift stores, sell them online via Ebay for cheap prices, drop them off at used book stores. Because whether you like it or not in the years to come some folks are going to want to read the books. Maybe because they saw the movies in reruns on television or maybe even because of the controversy. Make it easy for those folks to get cheap second hand copies. That way the demand for new print runs drop, thrift stores and used book stores get money they need and if you go the route of Ebay you get a little money in your pocket.

All without her ability to profit from any of those sales. 

Make her books more common at yard sales and second hand markets than Fifty Shades of Grey (which I see every damn where). Do this so there is less and less demand for some new special covered copy being released at Wal-Mart when those who are curious can pick up a copy for fifty cents.

On top of all of his I also just hate seeing books getting destroyed. Being one of those people who still hasn't switched over to Kindle to read everything it just sort of irks me even if the person who wrote the books is craptacular. 

Okay I'm off my soap box now. 

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