
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cash Strapped for 9/23/20


Haven't done a cash strapped post in a while so I figure it's about time. So here are some cheap, free or pay what you want gaming items for those who don't have a lot of cash in their pockets. 

The Pugmire Core Rulebook phone pdf - A post apocalyptic game where dogs have inherited the world. Get the phone pdf version of this game for absolutely nothing. 

FEAR the DARK - A fanzine for Heroquest, the fun boardgame of fantasy adventure. It's currently at Pay What You Want. 

Engine & Empires core rules - A OSR gaslamp fantasy TTRPG. A rather large tome indeed, and it's priced at Pay What You Want. 

Guildhall Goods - A nice little fantasy location made to be tossed into a game with ease. Priced at Pay What You Want. 

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