
Sunday, August 2, 2020

RPGaDAY2020 Day one and two

A day late but I'm going to start at the Beginning and work Change into it. So here is day one and two.

I've had several beginnings in gaming. Where I started something great or got involved in something great and then threw it all away. Either imposter syndrome kicked in and I panicked and backed out. Or I just couldn't handle working with other people. Hell sometimes I just let myself get off focus and went onto something else abandoning what I was doing. All in all it's hurt me way worse than it has helped.

So over the last few years I've decided not to have any more beginnings and just do whatever I want and not worry about it. I'll let other people start the movements, the idea wells, and all that.  It's a change that needed to happen. I'm to old, to busy, and to burned out to keep trying to push things forward.


  1. My problem was in always going for the "next big thing". Really needed to settle down and fully enjoy a game/setting rather than chasing the unicorn.

    1. My problem is starting projects or joining them and never following through to completion. For a lot of different reasons with a good chunk of them being my own mental state and personal issues.

    2. Have you tried revisiting some of the uncompleted stuff and see if you can salvage it?

    3. I have some. That's where material from many of blog posts and DrivethruRPG releases comes from.
