
Friday, August 7, 2020

RPGaDAY 5 6 and 7

Okay time for day five and six I guess.

Day 5: Tribute.

Well that certainly sparks a memory of gaming. I ran a game of Kult once where the players were all a special FBI unit trying to track down cultists. This particular cult liked to make sacrifices and leave the bodies as tributes to their god. As the game proceeded the tributes got more and more intense and detailed as well as using humans for their sacrifices instead of just animals. Ornate designs written in the blood of the victim. The body sometimes nailed to a wall, other times impaled on a spike and hoisted several feet into the air, once even dissected and laid out like a text book example of the human anatomy. 

Eventually their forgotten god showed up and the cultists were at the toothy end of his giant maw as it had went insane during it's years of isolation. Gunfire ensued when the PC's saw what was happening. Finally somebody lit the warehouse it was in on fire and the thing was pulled back into it's own little hell along with the remaining cultists who were still at the scene. 

Day 6: Forest. 

Not spurning to much thought here. Except for the time we decided to go out in the woods to play. Thinking it would be cool and different. It was miserable, wind would blow through and sheets would fly, dice rolling off into the grass and took forever to find, bugs crawling up your pants leg. Yeah I'll leave the forest for the druids to enjoy.   

Day 7: Couple 

For some reason I flash on the 'Super Diablerie Brothers' who we used to joke about being a couple. They weren't, but they were a pair of friends who would found that the only fun thing to do in a Larp was to make everyone else miserable for no reason at all. Outside of the game nobody gamed with them or really knew them at all. Any attempts to get them into other activities failed. 

Their main Larp to play in was the Vampire games by Minds Eye Theater. In which, no matter what, they would band together and try to daiblerize as many other PC's as they could. Which would cause a bloodhunt to be called and then they were hunted down and extinguished. All the while complaining that they were being treated badly because we didn't play the game like they wanted to. Yeah. 

Nobody wanted anything to do with them in very short order. Their characters would show up and players would kill them immediately because they had been through this so many times they were sick of it. One of them took 'Guardian Angel' as a trait or whatever it's called (it's been so long ago) and the other GM had an NPC drug lord pull a rocket launcher out of their trunk to shot at them. The guy goes "What does my Guardian Angel say?" without a beat the GM goes "Oh shit it's a rocket launcher!". Hilarity followed and another Diablerie Brother character was dead. The last game they played their characters were hunter types, female Swedish vampire hunters to be exact, when they were immediately referred to as Busty the Vampire Slayer they walked off and left. 

Yeah I never missed those guys not being around any more. We tried to talk to them, tried to tell them to get involved in the story instead of just killing everyone, they refused to do anything else. Sometimes players can be the problem and you just have to let them go. 

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