
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Truly Rural upcoming releases

Upcoming releases from Truly Rural Productions.

The next project I'm am working at is retooling my Sla Industries and Cyberpunk 2020 sponsorship company write ups into a system neutral format and removing any copyrighted information that links them from the two games. These will be like 'Squad Names' and be small releases of maybe 3 to 4 pages in length. One page will likely be standard text that is in each release stating how to use them in their settings and notes on currency conversion. Each will have two companies with the first having Slurps and Almost Meat Sticks. I may try to theme each one such as "Food and beverages", "Arms and Armor", "Style and Fashion", etc.

Not sure on what the title of this line will be.

They will also likely be at the 75 cent price point that 'Squad Names' has.

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