
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Rampage (2018)

Rampage (2018)

Some video games deserve to have a movie based on them. Games that drip with story, developed characters and so much potential. But no, they go make a movie based off of monsters destroying a city. The entire plot of Rampage is so thin that you just know they are going to have to pipe in a ton of material that is should just be it's own movie without tying it to an already existing property. Kinda like Battleship where they tossed in aliens. But hey it's a Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson action vehicle so who cares right?

Well the story is pretty damned thin. Evil corporation makes stuff they will cause animals to grow and go super aggressive. Said stuff gets out by extraordinary means. Three animals get infected and all hell breaks loose. Throw in some odd story bits for human actors and you pretty much get the idea. They may toss in a lot of scientific terms but they also make the zoo keeper ex special forces just so he can do cool shit through out the movie. The plot is paper thin and if you think about it to hard it will tear under that pressure.

They do, however, make a great effort into making you think a couple of characters are going to be big deals in the film. But no it doesn't go that way and they end up dead rather quickly or never show up again. I actually kind of like that because you do get the feeling that nobody is safe until about little past half way through then the obvious survivors become obvious. But still, nice to see you for a little bit Joe Manganiello wish you could have stayed around a bit longer.

Special effects wise this is awesome. Giant monster things tearing everything up and beating the hell out of each other. All sorts of military firepower getting torn to shreds. Buildings collapsing, people getting squished, shit blowing up all over the place like Micheal Bay stepped in the back door for a moment. A body count that must be through the roof. This is where the budget went, well here and into the bank account of Dwayne of course.

In the end this film is entirely bubblegum for the brain. No sustenance but it gives you something to do. If you like story with your moving pictures then I would stay away from Rampage altogether. But as something to watch with friends while you tossing back a few beers it may work. But at least it's not as bad as they Uwe Boll Rampage movie.
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Damn now it's giant flying wolf monsters.

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