
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Guns Akimbo (2019)

Guns Akimbo (2019)

I'm not sure where to begin. This movie was a lot of things going in different directions all at once. That being said it all ended up at the same spot in the end somehow. A lot of general bizarre ideas in here that kind of go together and kind of don't but here you go.

Working his dead end coding job is Miles (Daniel Radcliffe without a wand) who seemingly finds fun in trolling internet trolls while drinking. When he pisses off the wrong people and finds himself part of Schism all against his will. Waking up with a set of high capacity pistols literally bolted and nailed to his hands.

Wait, what is Schism you ask? Oh yes let me cover that real quick. It's an illegal show broadcast on the internet where they put two people up against each other in a fight to the death. Using drones, hacked security cameras and whatever else they can to track the fighting as it goes across the city. Usually they pit psychos against each other in these death matches. But this time we get Miles as one of the contestants. His opponent is their undefeated champion Nix (Samara Weaving) and she has some real motivation to kill him.

Now all this of course leads to some really messed up scenes covering such issues as trying to take a piss when you have guns bolted to your hands. Or convincing your ex girlfriend to get back with you while you are trying to pretend you aren't being chased by an insane killer and have maimed digits for fingers. Even a little bit of how to pick up the hot dog laying next to the used condom when you're hungry.

Oh and a shit load of fighting (and running for your life) scenes that keep the movie going at a rather nice pace. The bodies start piling up really quick and music picks up right along with it. Leaving you going “Holy shit” on more than one occasion.

The effects are well done across the board. Blood splatters, gun effects, very well done sets, some really wonderful costume design and so much more. They went all in to give this movie a very specific look and they achieved it. There is even a little bit of Scott Pilgrim vs the World tossed in for some nice added flavor.

Now the one thing it also does is give us a healthy dose of Black Mirror style social commentary. With a raw look at the hateful side of internet culture and the overwhelming desire to see more darker and gruesome material every day. It's not a pretty picture of what 'could be' when it comes to our society at large.

But hell things blow up, people are gunned down in massive amounts and one guy even has a special hand smashing hammer. So I'll give this movie two thumbs up. It was a fun thrill ride of a movie with a very dark side that pulled no punches.

"Go on get that hot dog, don't even think about that used condom next to it."
But sadly I doubt there will be a sequel.

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