
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WaRP GMC occult - Widow Rose

Known among various occult circles is a young woman that goes by the name of Julie, which is most likely not her real name. If anybody inquires about her actual name her response is usually "Why, is the one I gave you not good enough?" along with being put on her personal 'shit list'. She speaks with a southern USA accent and she rarely speaks among the 'mundanes' who know nothing of the society surrounding the supernatural.

What she is mainly known for is being basically an assassin for hire. Usually brought in to take care of snooping mundanes who are causing problems or killing off another cult leaders rival. She doesn't work for cash either, instead one must barter for her services. Things like written spells, ritual components and artifacts of some occult importance are what she desires the most. But she has taken payments in blood, teeth, hair and other fluids and parts of the human body.

There is actually a short ritual passed around that is used to call her. It requires a sacrifice of blood, a short chant and then phrase 'Daughter of the Widow Rose' written on parchment and burned on a candle. Within a week she will arrive, usually in a black beat up panel van, and you better be ready to make your deal right then. Summons for no reason usually end with her taking the life of the one who cast the ritual.

Artifacts: The Black Book. She carries a tome with pages that are hand sewn into it. The pages are spells that have been cast but require activation phrases to complete. Whenever she casts one of these spells the pages that contained it will burn up without harming any others. Later she will sew in new pages in write in new spells.

Other Specials: Protective Runes. She has protection magic woven into her tattoos. Any other spell or supernatural ability used on her has it's difficulty raised by 4 and even if successful the desired effect is halved.

Spell Caster: 4 - This is the trait that is used whenever she casts a spell from the book or writes a new one in. (fingers are blackened with soot and ink)

Occult Library: 3 - In her van is a large collection of books, trinkets and other objects of interest. Whenever there is a need for some sort of component or bit of information this is the roll to see if she has it. (The van is stuffed full of materials and she usually packs an over the shoulder bag with emergency items in it)

Disappear: 3 - Her, and the van when she is inside, tend to vanish when nobody is looking. Anybody trying to actively trail her will have a great deal of difficulty. (she appears out of nowhere and goes the same way when she is done)

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