
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Horror Gaming - The cursed puzzle

The characters come across a puzzle that is obviously nefarious in some way. But they still insist on putting it together. What happens when they do? Roll a D10.

1 – The person who put the last piece in feels several spots on their body burning. Then they erupt in puss filled boils that are in the shapes of the puzzle pieces.

2 – Anyone who put any of the pieces together are stricken blind for a D6 of days.

3 – The person who put the last piece in finds themselves suddenly trapped in a very small solid metal cell. The door is sealed shut and there are no windows. It grows steadily colder.

4 – The last person touching the puzzle feels their fingers burn in pain. The skin dries up on them and they crack and bleed, chunks of skin falling to the floor.

5 – Anyone who put a piece in place has a loved one die within the next 24 hours.

6 – Anyone who put a piece in place is rendered sterile, permanently.

7 – Anyone who put a piece in place has their hearing assaulted by a high pitch scream for a D6 of minutes. This keeps occurring at random times over the next two weeks.

8 – The last person feels pain stinging in their back as hundreds of small thorns break through their skin from the inside. Each must be pulled out to be removed and that is extremely painful.

9 – Each person who put a piece in place has nightmares of being murdered and dissected into small pieces whenever they sleep. This lasts for a 2D6 weeks.

10 – The last person feels a burning sensation in their eyes. Now wherever they look they see small skinless creatures shuffling just out of view and hiding behind objects. Try as they might that never can seem to catch one.

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