
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sla Industries - Subversive Six Pack

Another old Sla Industries resource that was previously available on my long dead website in pdf form. Decided to make it available again on the blog here. Hope you find something useful here.
Subversive Six Pack – Six Soft Companies for Sla Industries

Below are listed six soft companies with some simple and quick descriptions tagged onto them. Useful for when you need to pull a quick mission out for a group or to help you kick off some more ideas in your head for future BPNs.

Pop Gun Fanatics

This company makes toy replicas of Sla weaponry. They are exact in scale and detail almost perfect copies except they are made in a low quality plastic. All of the internal workings are replace by a simple 'clacker' for the pop sound the guns make. Normally most operations like this aren't considered a big threat and are overlooked. However since they are cutting into the sales of the official toys (less detail, wrong scale and worse plastic with a higher cost) they have become a target of the weapon manufacturers.

Mister Slayer Haters Club

This company started up when they got two pieces of essential equipment. One is a outdated printing press that can nearly use anything for ink after it's mixed with a bit of oil. The other is a recycling machine that pulls the print off of paper leaving it blank. So all they have to do is collect old papers from downtown trash piles and they have all the supplies they need.

They are ran by a subversive leader who has a real hate on for Sla Industries. They print attack reports, news of successful subversive actions, coded messages and anything else they can get. However they will not print Dark Night material as the small staff doesn't trust them.

Flux Off Inc

Founded by a rogue Necanthrope who has decided to switch sides five years ago Flux Off has become a thorn in the side of Dark Lament for a while now. Using his knowledge of how to make the type of ebb stopping glyphs that exist in the Pit he started providing them for subversive groups.

Consisting of other ebb users who have either gone rogue as well or just recruited from the streets they have been trained in Glyph etching. So for a price you can purchase specialized glyphs blocks, towers and other objects.

One Subject Games

Makers of blackmarket first person shooters for various video game units out there. Usually they simply steal the engines from other game makers and overlay their own skins, maps and storyline. However what has attracted some attention of people in power is the nature of some of their maps and goals. Their level maps are always those of actual high level or important Sla Industries facilities. They are nearly perfect, so perfect in fact that Phantom Pregnancy reconstructed some of its locations on Mort to change the layout of hallways and checkpoints. Even guard routines are copied into their games. The goals can range from assassinations in the corporate offices to the steal of top secret files from laboratories and computer banks.

Livewire Studios

These folks make a an application that can be downloaded to most hand held electronic devices that establish a connection with the Mort wide information grid. The application is called “Slops Around Me” and it has the device listen for certain wavelengths that are known to be used by Sla personnel. This includes their headsets, other communication devices and even (although the makers don't realize this) the signals sent out by people who are chipped.

Then using the signals it figures out the operatives locations and overlays them onto a map if one is available. If there is no map then it will still give you the direction and distance. Needless to say this has caused a few squads to walk into fatal ambushes because the subversives knew they were coming.

Artificial Joy Club

While not the makers of fine black market drugs they are one of the bigger distributors. Artificial Joy Club sets up large parties in order to draw in their customers. Usually sending out messages to subscribed members who send them out further just hours before they begin. This alone has created some chaos as you have hundreds of teenagers all rushing into one area with the single goal of partying and getting high.

Since these parties do attract all sorts of users some operatives use them to meet contacts or to gather information. The only reason there has been some effort to shut them down is the actual distribution of the drugs especially after a few Shatter dealers showed up selling their goods as other narcotics.

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