
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Jaded Gamer Diary - BRP unopen gaming license

Okay well yesterday Chaosium finally released the SRD for their Basic Role Playing system. They are putting it out under a modified OGL as well. But guess what? They sure as hell don't know what 'Open' means when they slapped that OGL name on it. With the way it currently stands they shouldn't have even bothered releasing it at all. Let's take a look at some of this nonsense.

Okay the statement that you can't use certain IPs is completely understandable. I think we all get that. Got to protect your actual properties and all that.

But then under that is where Chaosium immediately goes full on stupid. A list of what kind of rules you can't use OR USE RULES THAT ARE SIMILIAR. First off you basically better own all of these products listed just so you know how not to make a subsystem needed for your release. Second how similar are they talking. The BRP is rather simple therefore most extra rules added in for specific things are pretty simple as well. By this list you can't have anything resembling a Sanity mechanic. Plus not to mention most magic systems (which by the way Chaosium a lot of your shit is already similar to other games out there).

But wait there's more!

Oh look there are even public domain properties you aren't allowed to use. Can't have somebody coming along and do it better than them now can we?

Top it of with that weak ass "Substantially similar" line in there.

Folks this is not by any shape or form an Open Gaming License.  This is something put out by a company that doesn't want to do an OGL but really wants to hop on some buzzwords and trends in hopes of boosting sales of their core material.

Here is a link to their SRD page.

There are many D100 OGL systems out there right now. Use one of those instead. Otherwise you have to worry that Chaosium may send you a cease and desist letter because something is to similar to something they have tucked away in one of their many books.


  1. Their cease and desist letter isn’t going to be similar to other c&d letters, I hope.

  2. Just another day in the ongoing PR trainwreck that is NuChaosium.
