
Monday, October 28, 2019

The Banana Splits Movie

The Banana Splits Movie.

Seriously I want the time I spent watching this back. Take a kids show from the sixties and turn it into a horror and gore movie. That should be entertaining but somehow they manage to screw it up completely. Supposedly this is based off of a rejected Five Nights At Freddy's script. I would say it's more than supposedly because it's quite obvious really early on. Also it's also obvious why this script was rejected... it's fucking terrible.

The writing, the acting, the special effects... all of it... terrible. Even the way the movie is shot is bad. None of it in a “so bad it's good” kind of way either, more of a “so bad they should have just tossed it in the trash” kind of way.

Some things were obviously done to be kinda funny. Like the guy who gets his face burned by a spray can flame thrower... and their goatee survives the flame. But all of these moments came across as really dumb. The continuity of the writing was laughable. There were times the robots moved around like they do in the old show and then for no reason suddenly walk all stiff terminator like and even have accompanying robot movement noise. Also they are near indestructible at one moment and then damn near just fall apart in another.

Really I could go on for a lot longer. But in the end all I can say is don't waste your time with this movie. I can't even come up with a joke at the end of this because of the sheer shit show that it is.

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