
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Jaded Gamer Diary - convention exclusives

Game Company: We've made some really neat goodies for our game line.

Fan for decades: Cool, where can I get them at?

Game Company: They're a GenCon exclusive so only at GenCon.

Fan for decades: But I can't begin to afford a trip to GenCon. Hotel costs alone are way out of what I can pay for.

Game Company: Sorry to hear about that. But great goodies for our game line so that is good news!

Fan for decades: Not when you can't buy them.

This sums up my feelings on 'convention exclusive' stuff from game companies. Some of us scrape together what we can to buy your product already. Travelling, hotel costs, eating out every meal for an entire weekend, etc are just something we cannot afford at all. So stuff like this is a giant 'fuck you' and a punishment for not being financially well off enough to satisfy you.

So don't be surprised when we stop buying you stuff all together.

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