
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cyberpunk Sunday 001

Recently it an attempt to break out of my gaming funk that I've been sinking into I've started working on my own game once again.  I'm going for something cyberpunk with some supernatural horror thrown in because I like it. So I broke out a composition notebook and started writing out notes instead of trying to keep track of it on my computer as I get distracted way to easily.

Quick setting notes:

I want magic to be there but it's some really dark stuff. This isn't going to be Shadowrun, there is no casting lightening bolts at your enemy. I'm looking more towards a Kult influence. Rituals that require various kinds of sacrifice, blood magic and things that can go horribly wrong if there is an error. The general populace is unaware of it's existence.

Way more punk. There will be no going on missions for the corporation to collect a paycheck. The players will be the ones fighting the powers that be. Almost a revolutionary type of movement.

The government is completely corrupt being ran by corporate powers. Those corporate powers are being controlled themselves by demonic like entities not from our plane of existence.

No defined timeline. Not going to lay out a year by year history of how the world got to where it is. It's going to focus on what it is like right now and what can you do to change that.

Focus will be on the street level type of games. Fighting for survival of yourself and for others who can't protect themselves.

Next weeks update will be what I want out of the game system. Or at least what I think I want at this point.

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