
Monday, March 4, 2019

Logan's Run (1976)

Logan's Run (1976)

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Whenever you bring up science fiction classics this is one movie that always makes the list. Deservedly so as it has had a tremendous influence on the scifi fandom in the decades since it's release. So let's talk about this film.

First off a quick rundown of the plot for those who may not know. In the future after wars and destruction the human race is isolated into enclosed cities. It is, for the most part, a utopia of pleasure and relaxation. However there is one catch, you are only allowed to live to the age of thirty, at which point you are entered into the carousel which will take your life. Those who do not follow this rule are called Runners and are hunted down by a select group called the Sandmen and killed. Logan 5 is a Sandman who is assigned to locate Sanctuary, a place that Runners are trying to find, in order for him to do this he is forced to become a runner himself. With the help of a woman named Jessica who has connection with a group of people who support Runners he fights his way out of the city.

Got that? Good.

Now first off a bit of truth to admit here. I had only seen this movie on regular broadcast television before. So everything I had seen had been edited down for both time and content. So I was in for a bit of surprise when I sat down to watch this thing on Netflix.

But first off I will say for a 70's scifi movie this film is pretty slick. I mean it is of course dated but in comparison of other films from that era it looks really good. The enclosed world gives them a lot of freedom for things such as costuming. There is a bit of standard fair, short skirts, tight fitting pants and tops, etc. But it is carried over through out the entire film and you get the idea that there really aren't new fashion choices being cranked and they are fine with what they have. So while you get to set back and laugh at some 70's fashion it's not the over the top styles we see in most films and it just fits with the setting actually.

The city is done in miniature and they obviously put some work into it. It looks good and, once again, they avoid over the top ideas that couldn't be pulled off in the regular shots of the film. The sets are solid and work. A weak point in the effects is probably the shots from the Sandmen guns, not so much them being fired but where they hit. Oh and Box, a robot who poses a threat to our heroes that suffers from inconsistent appearances, mainly in his arms and movement.

There are a few scenes that just make you shake your head an eye roll a bit. When we get to our first Runner scene it appears the Sandmen, including Logan, have their guns set on “Miss Every Damn Time”. I mean I hoped they would shoot better than Stormtroopers. This doesn't continue throughout the movie as later Logan is nailing people in the chest at quite a distance like it was nothing. Oh and back to that first scene the Sandmen really eat the scenery in their over the top antics of taunting their target. You start to think Logan is just another psychopath on film pretty quickly there.

Then come the scenes I wasn't expecting as they were also cut for television. The casual let's have sex attitude where anyone who wants a good boning can enter themselves into the 'system' and picked out by whoever likes the way they look. Later we have a trip through a psychedelic orgy room where our protagonists are grabbed by the participants who want them to join in. Later Logan and Jessica have zero problem stripping in front of each other and we see plenty of TnA shots including a row full in the frozen hall of Box. Now I will say all of these fit the world in which the story takes place and none of them are done with a tasteless view. It just took me off guard because of my previous viewing experiences with the edited version.

One of the best parts of the story is when they make it outside and have to transition from living in a fully protected and controlled environment to the absolute wilds of what is left. We also see just how little they know about anything other than that isolated environment and just how different everything is for them. This is made even more obvious when they meat the old man.

There are a whole lot of messages in this movie. The dangers of isolationism, how most of our societies rules could simply be lost, a little bit of anti-communism painted over it and not to mention how we could all fall under the spell of giving up our freedom, and lives, for guaranteed happiness while we are there. That's just scratching the surface and it makes me want to get a copy of the book it's based off of to see how much more there is.

This is the definition of a SciFi classic across the board. It is slow in parts but they manage to give you a constant stream of information about the world that you may not notice. A lot of thought went into how that self contained city works even if they may not come out and spell it all out for the viewers.

Top recommendation for anyone that is a fan of the genre.

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"The next fyre festival is going to be lit."

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