
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Captain Marvel (2019)

Marvel shows they still know exactly what they are doing.

First thing here, this movie was not on my 'see at the theater' list. Very few movies are just because they cost so much for a ticket now days. However the sheer level of hatred spewed forth from groups like ComicsGate and their ilk made me change my mind. So, on opening weekend even, I scraped up some cash and got my ass in the theater to give this film a viewing. I was so happy I did.

They managed to hit all the notes just right. Enough humor to keep you amused, some great action scenes to have you excited, just the right twists in the story to keep you surprised. They even managed to hold back just enough on the time period of the movie. Being set in the 90's I was expecting a never ending spew of pop culture references from then. But there wasn't, they dropped in a few obvious ones, then a few subtle little pokes then just kept the story going forward without dumping any more on your lap. Very nicely done.

Story wise they didn't go cookie cutter either. We start off with a group of Kree warriors fighting against the Skrulls with the focus being on Vers (our Captain Marvel) and Yon-Rogg. Things don't go as planned and we find ourselves on Earth in the nineties with Vers questioning who she really is while a small group of Skrulls skulk around disguised as other people. We get a young Nick Fury and Coulson, both of which were pulled off beautifully even down to perfect writing to fit the characters. We start digging through the mind of our good Captain to discover secrets deeply buried about her past.

Some of the high points without giving you any spoilers as best I can. The cat 'Goose' with the call back to Mavericks co pilot in Top Gun. A really nicely done twist with the Skrulls that even I didn't see coming, but I haven't bought comics in over ten years so what do I know. Getting back up. The young Nick Fury realizing that shit just got strange. A tie in to Captain America: The First Avenger and the first Avengers movie. Finally our good Captain attitude of not giving a shit about who she makes angry was nice.

Visually, as you can pretty much guess, the visuals were damned stunning. They make a point to show you just how powerful she can be when motivated. Using the old Kree suit designs when they are in space, the slightly familiar look of her powers, shit blowing the hell up. Yeah they did all that in spades.

So in the end I will highly recommend this movie as a rock solid entry into the theatrical MCU line up. But it really makes me want to see Avengers: Endgame even more, trust me that first extra scene in the credits is nice.

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