
Friday, February 1, 2019

Nemesis (1992)

Nemesis (1992)

Before I begin I will say that I do love the cover image for this movie. It captures that cyberpunk aesthetic so well and is one of my favorites, hell I want a poster of it on my wall.  To bad the movie doesn't live up to this.

It seems anytime you bring up cyberpunk themed movies that someone will always bring up this one. Which it is certainly a film fitting into that category but... it's probably also the most generic film to fall in there as well. Which is very appropriate since I remember the early nineties as a time when so much of the cyberpunk stories being pushed out in paperback were very generic. Pumped out rather quickly in an attempt to get in on some of the cash that was pushing that newest sub-genre of science fiction into the mainstream.

Directed by Albert Pyun, who seems to be a master of making very limited theatrical release quick to video scifi films. The writer is listed as Rebecca Charles who only has two other movies in her credits; Nemesis two and three so I'm thinking that name is a pseudonym. Most likely for Albert Pyun himself since he has also gone by Hannah Blue and Kitty Chalmers in some of his works. Casting includes Olivier Gruner who goes on to become a regular in the direct to video scifi market, Tim Thomerson film veteran and scifi legend, many other direct to video scifi folks who you will recognize when you see them and a young Thomas Jane who was still going by Tom Janes even shows up. So honestly not a bad round up.

Our main character Alex Rain is a LAPD cop who starts off our film as mostly human and in short order becomes mostly machine after a run in with the Red Army Hammerhead terrorist group. After extracting some vengeance on those who caused his grievous injuries he decides to leave the force but ends up being blackmailed into doing one final assignment for his former employers. Tracking down a former colleague of his and recover what she has stolen. Leading him to a jungle town where he once again confronts the Red Army Hammerheads and discovers their true motives which leaves him questioning his allegiances on which side he should stand on.

Now the actual great thing about this movie is the amount of practical effects pushed into it. This is before the age of using CGI in low budget films, after all Terminator2 just came out the year before and the effects is had were very costly and experimental. We get to see faces open up, eyes being pulled out, lots of gunplay and all the things you would want to see in a film like this. Their budget is pretty low and near the end we are subjected to some really subpar stop motion shots that are really groan inducing.

So visually, this is a fun movie. Just be prepared to turn your brain off.

Because the writing itself is just barely passable, as is the plot, so be prepared. This is a movie full of ideas borrowed from other movies and books, which is obvious throughout the entire span of the film. We even get the 'bomb in the head' from Escape from New York tossed in there. Sometimes what little story there is feels like nothing more than quick inserts to move you from one action scene to the next. Try not to listen to the dialogue to closely either, much of it is a failed attempt at gritty tough guy banter or information dumps to let you know why people are killing each other.

In the end I will put this movie into the category of “You need to see it once” if you are a science fiction fan. If you are trying to put together a cyberpunk film collection this does warrant a spot somewhere near the bottom of the stack but be sure to find it at a discount price.

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For cyberpunk table top gaming check out the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG.

"What the hell did we just watch boss?"



  1. I probably need to watch this again. I don't remember much about it except that it was kind of garbled and the monster made no sense to me.
    We probably watched in a blitz of other crappy scifi movies and they all blended together in my head.

  2. Well there were also two sequels that were absolutely terrible. But this one is forgettable through most of it so getting it mixed in with memories of other movies is understandable.
