
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Jaded Gamers - More Zak Smith/Sabbath fallout

Thankfully the fallout from the revelations about Zak Smith/Sabbath that is coming from his closest victims isn't going away. More companies are being called out for answers, some are giving them, some still have their fingers in their ears.

Let's start this update with Lamentations of the Flame Princess. They finally issued a statement today concerning their working relationship with Zak.

From a business stand point I understand much of what is said. Deciding to sell through remaining stock and what has already been paid for to be printed instead of pulping it.  That's a lot of money that most game companies cannot afford to just throw away. Then adding on that they will not be reprinting anymore material by Zak himself and cancelling one gig they already paid him for. So that is a loss on the books for them but not to great, something they can recover from.

However they then makes some personal remarks at the end. It becomes very obvious that what they are sorry about is that Zak got caught, they make no mention of being sorry for what Zak has done or sorry about not listening to warnings about him being a toxic person in the hobby. Completely tone deaf response.

Now another new post at a blog discussing this issue has gone up.  This time at a kink/porn blog on which they discuss what kind of person Zak is and why people like him need to be avoided.

The author goes forth to say that Zak is nothing more than a pimp, specifically:

The best archetype I can use to describe Zak Smith is a pimp. Not in the oogie boogie woo woo sex traffickers gonna getcha horror stories, but in the sense that matters, a parasite that exploits the objectification of women while adding back nothing.

I can find absolutely zero fault with this description of the man. Take note that this discussion of him is taking place outside of the normal tabletop gamers circle where nearly everything has been taking place. It is now starting to bleed over into the other aspects of his life and the people he could affect there.  The BDSM and kink scene and artist lifestyle are starting to look at him with a bit of side eye.  Hopefully this leads to him being evicted from more communities in the near future.

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