
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Jaded Gamer Diary - Mike Mearls is a coward

Mike Mearls is a fucking coward.

With the entire Zak Smith thing blowing the hell up a lot of shit came out about him that is very unsettling. Specifically when people were sending him emails explaining to him how Zak had personally affected them through stalking, harassment and sending his mindless fuckwits after them he did something unthinkable. Mike took those accounts and handed them over to Zak. He gave the abuser a list of those who were trying to talk about their abuse.

Then the spineless fuckwit went on to say that it was all looked into (which evidently means Zak saying it wasn't true) and found to have no merit. So Zak being a consultant on DnD 5e was going to be a fine thing.

Now fast forward to the shit storm going on right now when everybody is finally seeing that scumbag abuser for what he is.  You would think Mike Mearls would at least try to do some explaining. 

Nope, Captain Cowardly posts up an image of a statement instead.  This image in particular:

Yeah that's it. He fucked over several folks and handed their information over the very person who had spent, in some cases, years stalking and harassing them.

Then he lies right out the gate and says Zak was only an early playtester for DnD 5e. When he is fully credited as a 'consultant' in the credits. Also forgetting that he defended him as a 'consultant' back when people were arms about him being involved. He was not just a damned playtester.

At the end he slaps everyone Zak has hurt in the face again by saying he promotes a safe and welcoming environment. The guy who gave the victims names and, most likely, email addresses to their abuser they were trying to get away from.

Mike Mearls you are a lowly pathetic shadow of a person.


  1. So, are you saying that because of these recent allegations ALL the other claims against him in the past must therefore be true?

    1. No I'm not saying that. But several people went to Mearls with actual accounts of their personal dealings with Zak. The stalking, the harassing, that has all been very well documented and shown to be true. Mearls then handed over what they said to Zak giving him a list of those who dared to speak out against them. He enabled the abuser even more.

    2. Peter might not say it, but I will...a good majority of them are true, not because of Mandy's account but because *they were fucking true*. The idea that everyone else who claimed he stalked, harassed, bullied, etc. were lying and suddenly Mandy *isn't* is beyond ridiculous. There were plenty of credible people who talked about their experiences, there were plenty of independently (and publicly) observable instances of his behavior.
