
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Roll A D20 - Things to find in a gang members pockets.

20 things to find on a gang members body

  1. A collection of cred sticks held together with a rubber band, only a D10 of credits on each of them.
  2. A pair of scuffed up reading glasses.
  3. Small bag full of ammunition, various calibers and types.
  4. Bus pass that is good for the next two months.
  5. Hand scrawled map of streets on the other side of the city.
  6. Medicine bottle half full of heavy duty stimulants.
  7. Half drank bottle of very cheap whiskey.
  8. Pair of pliers and a couple of bloody gold teeth.
  9. Set of brass knuckles with spikes on them.
  10. Small collection of Virtual Vikie holo-porn discs.
  11. Throw away phone with a few numbers stored in but no names on them, just a letter for each.
  12. A cobbled together remote that will unlock most electric car door locks.
  13. A small hand held police scanner.
  14. Metal tin filled with the latest street narcotic to come along.
  15. Pair of very stained up leather gloves.
  16. Pack of condoms.
  17. Bundle of business cards from various pawn and junk shops.
  18. Bag containing a collection of various men's and women's jewelry.
  19. Roll of duck tape.
  20. An unloaded very small pocket pistol.

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